Ancient hyenas roamed the Arctic

The ice age hyenas may have hunted caribou and horses, or scavenged carcasses of mammoths on a cold treeless tundra, says a study of 2 fossil teeth. Source:…

Joshua Trees Will Be All-But-Extinct by 2070 Without Climate Action, Study Warns

More than 80% of California’s iconic Joshua trees are likely to die at the hands of drought and fire over the next 50 years — but there’s still time to save them from extinction. Source:

Some ancient crocodiles may have chomped on plants instead of meat

Fossil teeth of extinct crocodilyforms suggest that some ate plants and that herbivory evolved at least three times in crocs of the Mesozoic Era. Source:…

DNA reveals a European Neandertal lineage that lasted 80,000 years

Ancient DNA from cave fossils in Belgium and Germany shows an unbroken genetic line of the extinct hominids emerged at least 120,000 years ago. Source:…

Baby pterodactyls could fly from birth

A new study suggests the prehistoric reptiles could fly right after hatching. It’s an ability no other flying animal living today, or in the history of life as we know it, has been able to replicate. Source:…