Video: Watch scientists excavate a giant anthill

In this video clip, a giant ant colony is pumped full of concrete, then excavated to reveal the intricate complexity of its inner structure. A must-see! Source:…

Drought reveals a lost Spanish Stonehenge

Thanks to 2019’s record drought in Europe, a 7,000-year-old circle of 150 upright stones is back on dry land in western Spain, after 50 years underwater. Source:…

Remains of Napoleon’s One-Legged General Found Under Russian Dance Floor

An excavation in a peculiar place — under the foundation of a dance floor in Russia — has uncovered the remains of one of Napoleon Bonaparte’s favorite generals: a one-legged man who was killed by a cannonball more than 200 years ago, news sources report. Source:

Buddha Buzz Weekly: Ancient Hominins in Tibet

Scientists announce a human fossil in Tibet dates to 160,000 years ago, Japan enthroned a new Emperor, and Thailand prepares to crown its next king. Tricycle looks back at the events of this week in the Buddhist world.
The post Buddha Buzz Weekly: Ancient Hominins in Tibet appeared first on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. Source:…

Scientists Discover How To Make Bricks Out Of Human Waste

John Vibes – Another step forward in the search for sustainable building materials. Source:…

Archaeologists Uncover Ancient Jewish Village From The Time Of Jesus

Archaeologists have discovered an ancient Jewish village from around the same time that Jesus was walking the Earth. They uncovered the village when they were working on the grounds to build a new elementary school. Ya’akov Billig, who is in charge of the excavations at the site for the Israel Antiquities Authority, informed CBN News,… Continue reading Archaeologists Uncover Ancient Jewish Village From The Time Of Jesus