Anti-Semitism Is Back, From the Left, Right and Islamist Extremes. Why?

Anti-Semitism is now being harnessed for political ends by ideologies that otherwise would have little overlap. That fusion is new, and dangerous, experts say. Source:

Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn Consider Something New on Brexit: Cooperation

In a stunning reversal, the prime minister is reaching out to the Labour Party for a deal on leaving the European Union, risking the wrath of her Conservatives. Source:

The Interpreter: Brexit Mess Reflects Democracy’s New Era of Tear-It-All-Down

Britain’s breakdown represents a much wider phenomenon. Across Western democracies, politics are increasingly defined by opposition — to everything. Source:

Travel Tips: Was Your European Flight Delayed or Canceled? You May Be Entitled to Cash

You may have to sit on the tarmac for a few hours or crash at an airport hotel, but if your flight was delayed or canceled, you could get up to $700. Source: