Sub auroral arc over Peyto Lake, Alberta

STEVE, and the northern lights. Does it get any better than this? Source:…

Sally Floyd, Who Helped Things Run Smoothly Online, Dies At 69

An anonymous Slashdot reader shares a report from The New York Times commemorating Sally Floyd, a computer scientist who recently passed away at the age of 69 from metastatic gall bladder cancer. “Dr. Floyd was best known as one of the inventors of Random Early Detection, or RED, an algorithm widely used in the internet,” reports The New York Times. “Though…

Python 3.8 Will Finally Include the Walrus Operator

An anonymous reader quotes LWN:
Python 3.8 is feature complete at this point, which makes it a good time to see what will be part of it when the final release is made. That is currently scheduled for October, so users don’t have that long to wait to start using those new features. The headline feature for Python 3.8 is also its…

Smoking Psychedelic Toad Milk May Help Depression

No, you’re not going to need a really small stool to sit on while you milk them, but you may want to check with a medical professional before trying to smoke the milk of psychedelic toads … which a new study claims can alleviate depression for up to a month. How? Take a deep, non-toad-milk… Read more » Source:…