Will Elon Musk License Tesla’s Technology To Other Automakers?

Audi’s CEO “willingly admits that Tesla is two years ahead of the industry in some critical areas of building electric vehicles,” reports Electrek. But where will that lead? “Earlier this week, Musk made a subtle comment on Twitter that could majorly upend the auto industry,” reports Inc. magazine: In response to an article in Teslarati highlighting German automakers’ attempts to bridge…

Can Tesla Build Cheaper Electric Cars With Advanced (and Cobalt-Free) Batteries?

“One of the main reasons we’re not all driving electric vehicles is the price,” argues a transportation writer in Forbes — explaining how Tesla hopes to finally change that: The company is placing a huge bet on rechargeable battery technology that doesn’t use cobalt. This is one of the main elements making lithium ion batteries so expensive. It’s also fraught with…

Study reveals secret life of lithium in Sun-like stars

Lithium is becoming common in our everyday lives. It is the key ingredient in the batteries of our mobile phones and electric vehicles, but have you ever wondered where it comes from? Source: https://phys.org/news/2020-07-reveals-secret-life-lithium-sun-like.html…

Tesla Becomes Most Valuable Automaker in Latest Stock Rally

Tesla on Wednesday became the highest-valued automaker as its shares surged to record highs and the electric carmaker’s market capitalization overtook that of former front runner Toyota Motors. From a report: Tesla shares gained 5% in early morning trade to a record of $1,133, boosting the company’s market cap to $209.47 billion – roughly $6 billion more than Toyota is currently…

GM Plans Electric Van for Business Users in Bid To Pre-empt Tesla

General Motors is developing an electric van aimed at business users, joining a growing list of carmakers planning EVs for the same segment which includes customers such as Amazon.com and United Parcel Service, Reuters reported Thursday. From the report: That multibillion-dollar strategy could enable GM, Ford Motor and at least two EV startups to build and deliver more electric vehicles at…

Canceled Dyson Electric Car Would’ve Had a 600-Mile Range Per Charge

Remember that electric car project that Dyson finally cancelled in October? It would’ve had a top speed of 125 miles per hour, going from 0 to 60 in 4.8 seconds, and “would have been able to go 600 miles on a single charge,” reports Digital Trends, citing Sir Dyson’s new interview with the Sunday Times: In comparison, Tesla’s Model S is…

Elon Musk’s ‘Boring Company’ Finishes Digging Second Tunnel in Las Vegas

“Not all of Elon Musk’s projects have been thwarted by the coronavirus pandemic,” writes Bloomberg. Slashdot reader Charlotte Web quotes Popular Mechanics: After a year’s worth of digging, Elon Musk’s The Boring Company has completed the second tunnel for its underground people-mover system at the Las Vegas Convention Center. It’s keeping in step with an anticipated opening date in January 2021…

Tesla’s Secret Batteries Aim To Rework the Math For Electric Cars and the Grid

Electric car maker Tesla plans to introduce a new low-cost, long-life battery in its Model 3 sedan in China later this year or early next that it expects will bring the cost of electric vehicles in line with gasoline models, and allow EV batteries to have second and third lives in the electric power grid. Reuters reports: For months, Tesla Chief…

Volvo Will Sell LIDAR-Equipped Self-Driving Cars To Customers By 2022

Volve says it’ll start selling LIDAR-equipped cars in 2022, which the Swedish automaker says will be able to drive themselves on highways with no human intervention. The Verge reports: [M]ost LIDAR are ridiculously expensive, with the leading suppliers pricing theirs at around $75,000. But now, Volvo says it has found a LIDAR maker that can produce the sensors cheap enough to…

Are There Exceptions to the Rule that Going Electric Reduces Emissions?

“Averaged over the globe, electric vehicles (EVs) already represent about a 31-percent emissions savings” writes Ars Technica, noting results from a study which also found similar savings from energy-efficient home-heating pumps. “Even in the scenario where these technologies are promoted but the grid isn’t cleaned up much, there’s a substantial benefit through 2050.” But the researchers also separated the world into…