Best Black Friday board game deals for kids who love science

This Black Friday is the perfect time to grab fun and educational science board games that are perfect for the whole family! Source:

NSF says Arecibo telescope will be dismantled

Heartbreaking news. After 57 years as a world-class resource for astronomy, the iconic Arecibo telescope is to be decommissioned, or withdrawn from service, the NSF announced today. The dish-type radio telescope – built into a natural depression in the landscape in Puerto Rico – appears to be headed for a “controlled disassembly.” Source:…

Discover how Joanne applies her learning from the IBM Applied AI Professional Certificate with her clients in the online education industry

Meet Joanne Roxburgh, a PhD student in technology-enhanced learning from the UK. Joanne had heard about the growing potential of artificial intelligence in her industry and wanted to learn more. She didn’t have a coding background, but as soon as she found the IBM Applied AI Professional Certificate on Coursera, she was able to start […]
The post Discover how Joanne applies…

Building the University of the Future

By Jeff Maggioncalda, Coursera CEO Even before COVID-19 changed the ways we live, work, and learn, universities were facing major challenges. Almost half of the higher education institutions in the U.S. had no formal online programs in 2018, and last year, fewer than 50 percent of faculty had ever taught an online course. Meanwhile, universities […]
The post Building the University of…

Diverse Representation: Learner Impacts and Strategies in Online Courses

By: Ji Su Lee and Eli Fogle, Coursera Teaching and Learning team Many learners are new to online learning. It can be an isolating environment without the in-person opportunities to connect with the instructor and other learners.  Creating an environment where learners can succeed includes many factors, and key among them is for students to […]
The post Diverse Representation: Learner Impacts…

Remote-learning technology just isn’t good enough and won’t be soon

Home schooling in the coronavirus pandemic has been the time for educational technology to shine, but flaws have meant it hasn’t lived up to its promise, says Justin Reich Source:…

Should Computer Programming Classes Focus on Projects Instead of ‘Logic Puzzles’?

Long-time Slashdot reader theodp writes: Writing in the November Communications of the ACM, MIT’s Mitchel Resnick and Natalie Rusk explain that the educational use of coding in schools is at a crossroads. The good news? “School systems and policymakers are embracing the idea that coding can and should be for everyone.” The bad news? “In many places, coding is being introduced…

92-Year-Old Songwriter Tom Lehrer Releases All His Lyrics Into the Public Domain

Marketplace reports: Songwriter Tom Lehrer became a star in the 1950s and ’60s writing and performing satirical songs that skewered just about everything… Lehrer, 92, announced Tuesday via his website that he’s effectively putting everything he ever wrote into the public domain. That means his lyrics and sheet music are available for anyone to use or perform, without having to pay…

Announcing Coursera for Campus free pricing options and academic integrity upgrades

By Jeff Maggioncalda, Coursera CEO The pandemic has been a catalyst for universities to make online learning core to the student experience. In March, we launched the Campus Response Initiative to give students and faculty free access to Coursera for Campus during pandemic-related closures. Since then, we have grown from 30 universities using Coursera for […]
The post Announcing Coursera for Campus…