Rocket Lab Becomes Second Company After SpaceX To Launch and Land Orbital Rocket

Thelasko shares a report from Forbes: In a major milestone, the New Zealand-based launch company Rocket Lab has successfully recovered an orbital-class rocket after parachuting it back to Earth from near-space — only the second company in history ever to do so. Yesterday, Thursday, November 20 at 9.20 P.M. Eastern Time, the company’s two-stage Electron rocket lifted off from the company’s…

Japan Decides To Release Treated Fukushima Water Into the Sea

hcs_$reboot shares a report from CBS News: Japan will release more than a million tons of treated radioactive water from the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea in a decades-long operation, reports said Friday, despite strong opposition from environmentalists, local fishermen and farmers. The release of the water, which has been filtered to reduce radioactivity, is likely to start in…

Is Iceland’s most active volcano about to erupt?

The ice-covered Grímsvötn volcano produced an unusually large and powerful eruption in 2011. Now, says this volcanologist, there are clear signs that Grímsvötn is getting ready to erupt again. Source:…

Do Animals Really Anticipate Earthquakes? Sensors Hint They Do

An anonymous reader quotes Scientific American:
For centuries, people have described unusual animal behavior just ahead of seismic events: dogs barking incessantly, cows halting their milk, toads leaping from ponds… Now researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior and the University of Konstanz, both in Germany, along with a multinational team of colleagues, say they have managed to precisely measure…

Human-linked Earth vibrations dropped 50% during Covid-19 lockdown

Between March and May 2020, many people across Earth went into lockdown. During those months, seismographs recorded a drop in human-linked vibrations in the solid Earth, by an average of 50%. Source:…

Big drop in Earth’s surface vibrations seen during covid-19 lockdowns

Earthquake monitoring stations have detected sharp reductions in Earth’s surface vibrations during coronavirus lockdowns due to limits on noisy human activities Source:…