How unique is Earth?

Scientists studying white dwarf stars have found that some contain traces of rocky debris very similar in composition to rocks found on Earth. The finding suggests that worlds similar to Earth might be common in our Milky Way galaxy. Source:…

How small is the smallest habitable exoplanet?

Where can we expect to find life beyond Earth? A new study has redefined the lower limit in mass for habitable exoworlds. It suggests that low-mass waterworlds might exist and might be a place to look. Source:…

Ancient stars shed light on Earth’s similarities to other planets

Earth-like planets may be common in the universe, a new UCLA study implies. The team of astrophysicists and geochemists presents new evidence that the Earth is not unique. The study was published in the journal Science on Oct. 18. Source:…

Spacecraft spies river relic on Mars

These images from the Mars Express spacecraft show an ancient, dried-up river system, one of the longest valley networks on Mars. Source:…

Was Venus once warm and wet? New study of lava flow suggests not

A new study of the Ovda Fluctus lava flow on Venus indicates that it is made of basaltic lava. This discovery weakens the notion that Venus might once have been Earth-like with an ancient ocean of liquid water. Source:…

NASA Launches a New Earth-like Planet Hunting Telescope Using a Giant Balloon

A new telescope will seek out planets that resemble Earth from a height of around 125,000 feet, using special optical technology that will filter out light from the stars they orbit to provide a better view. From a report: The telescope is the product of UMass Lowell, and took off on Tuesday morning from Fort Sumner, New Mexico aboard a helium…

Is K2-18b really a habitable super-Earth?

It was exciting last week when scientists announced water vapor in a super-Earth’s atmosphere. But, even as the announcement came, other scientists were cautioning that the planet – K2-18b – is probably less like a super-Earth and more like a planet Neptune. Source:…

Frequent flaring of Proxima Centauri means bad news for its rocky planet

Proxima Centauri is a cool red dwarf with about one-eighth of the sun’s mass. Although it is the closest star to the sun, located just 4.2 light-years from the solar system in the triple star system of alpha Centauri, it is not visible to the naked eye. What makes this star particularly interesting is the recent discovery of an Earth-like exoplanet…