EA Appears To Be Permanently Banning Linux Players On Battlefield V

Many users have taken to the Lutris Forums to report that EA is permanently banning Linux players on Battlefield V. “Good friends, finally after some time without being able to play Battlefield V for Linux, this week I was using lutris-4.21, I was having fun when my anti-cheat, FairFight, blew me out of the game, so I was banned,” writes one…

Volkswagen Headquarters Raided Again After They Disclosed New Diesel Filtering ‘Issue’

“Reuters is reporting that German public prosecutors have again raided the Wolfsburg headquarters of Volkswagen in the latest investigation into the carmaker’s diesel emissions,” writes Slashdot reader McGruber. The purpose of the raid was to “confiscate documents,” the article reports:
Volkswagen, which admitted in 2015 to cheating U.S. emissions tests on diesel engines, said it was fully cooperating with the authorities, but…

EA Comes Back To Steam With New Games

DarkRookie2 shares a report from Ars Technica: For the first time since 2012, Electronic Arts is once again publishing new games on Valve’s Steam platform, the publisher announced today. [You still need an Origin account.] A preorder page for next month’s Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is already up on the Steam store, and EA promises that “other major titles,” like…

Hacker Who Launched DDoS Attacks on Sony, EA, and Steam Gets 27 Months in Prison

An anonymous reader shares a report: A 23-year-old man from Utah was sentenced this week to 27 months in prison for a series of DDoS attacks that took down online gaming service providers like Sony’s PlayStation Network, Valve’s Steam, Microsoft’s Xbox, EA, Riot Games, Nintendo, Quake Live, DOTA2, and League of Legends servers, along with many others. Named Austin Thompson, but…

The false choice between helping Notre Dame and helping poor people

Source: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/4/20/18507964/notre-dame-cathedral-fire-charity-donations…

New NASA Mission Will Measure the Mysterious Glow of Earth’s Plants

Packed alongside supplies and equipment bound for the International Space Station on an otherwise routine SpaceX resupply run, something rather special is headed to orbit next week: a refrigerator-sized instrument that’ll measure the glow of Earth’s plant life.Read more…Source: https://earther.gizmodo.com/new-nasa-mission-will-measure-the-mysterious-glow-of-ea-1834012052…

EA Origin Users, Update Your Client Now

Between Anthem, multiple rounds of layoffs, and all the trouble the publisher has had with various Star Wars games recently, EA has had a pretty rocky last 12 months. But strangely, a recent bug with its Origin game client might be one of the company’s most serious issues yet.Read more… Source: https://gizmodo.com/ea-origin-users-update-your-client-now-1834079604…

The Past And Present Of Dragon Age 4

In December 2018, developer BioWare teased the next Dragon Age game, hinting at a mysterious future for the popular fantasy series—one that’s enticing, but seems very far away. Why, more than four years after Dragon Age: Inquisition, is Dragon Age 4 still so early in development? The answer is complicated, and… Read more… Source: https://kotaku.com/the-past-and-present-of-dragon-age-4-1833913351