Could an Ethically-Correct AI Shut Down Gun Violence?

The Next Web writes:
A trio of computer scientists from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York recently published research detailing a potential AI intervention for murder: an ethical lockout. The big idea here is to stop mass shootings and other ethically incorrect uses for firearms through the development of an AI that can recognize intent, judge whether it’s ethical use, and…

These evidence-based strategies may turn the tide on domestic violence

Deaths due to domestic violence have surged in the UK. Evidence suggests that a mixture of programmes to switch attitudes and help violent men change can help Source:…

Google Contractors Are Secretly Listening To Your Assistant Recordings

A new report from Belgian broadcaster VRT News describes the process by which Google Home recordings end up being listened to by contractors — and the scary part is that it apparently doesn’t take much, if anything, to start a recording. While the recordings are not listened to live, audio clips are sent to subcontractors. The Next Web reports: VRT, with…

Predator Cops, Guilty of Sex Crimes Against Women and Children, Are a Menace to Society

John W. Whitehead – How could this be happening right under our noses? Source:…

20 years after Columbine, the guns are still the problem


Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber are CGI animals in this generation’s “We Are the World”


The Real Enemy of Pakistani Women Is Not Men

It is society’s acceptance of patriarchy. Source:…

The N.R.A.’s Strength Is Being Tested by a New Domestic Violence Act Provision

The National Rifle Association is trying to defeat a provision in the new Violence Against Women Act that could deny firearms to abusive boyfriends. But Congress is changing. Source: