Mozilla: Cloudflare Doesn’t Pay Us For Any DoH Traffic

An anonymous reader writes: Mozilla said today that “no money is being exchanged to route DNS requests to Cloudflare” as part of the DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) feature that is currently being gradually enabled for Firefox users in the US. The browser maker has been coming under heavy criticism lately for its partnership with Cloudflare. Many detractors say that by using Cloudflare as…

Big ISPs Worry DNS-Over-HTTPS Could Stop Monitoring and Modifying of DNS Queries

“Big Cable and other telecom industry groups warned that Google’s support for DNS over HTTPS (DoH) ‘could interfere on a mass scale with critical Internet functions, as well as raise data-competition issues,'” reports Ars Technica. But are they really just worried DNS over HTTPS will end useful ISP practices that involve monitoring or modifying DNS queries? For example, queries to malware-associated…