CBS and MIT’s 1960 Documentary On AI Is a Gem

FastCompany magazine editor and Slashdot reader harrymcc writes: On the night of October 26, 1960, CBS aired a special — coproduced with MIT — about an emerging field of technology called ‘artificial intelligence.’ It featured demos — like a checkers-playing computer and one that wrote scripts for TV westerns — along with sound bits from leading scientists on the question of…

‘King of Kong’ Billy Mitchell Argues He Was Framed for Donkey Kong Cheating, Threatens Legal Action

“Billy Mitchell, the former Donkey Kong and Pac-Man high-score champion made famous in the 2007 film The King of Kong, has threatened legal action against the sanctioning bodies who threw out all of Mitchell’s high scores in April 2018 after finding that two were illegitimate,” reports Polygon.
This week, lawyers for Mitchell sent a letter to Twin Galaxies and Guinness World Records…

Amazon is Launching a New Program To Donate Unsold Products, After Reports that Millions Were Being Destroyed

Amazon wants its third-party sellers to make better use of their unsold or unwanted products that often get dumped — by giving them away to charity. From a report: Amazon is launching a new donations program, called Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) Donations, for third-party sellers that store their inventory in Amazon’s warehouses in the U.S. and UK, CNBC has learned. Starting…

Edward Snowden Memoir To Reveal Whistleblower’s Secrets

After multiple books and films about his decision to leak the biggest cache of top-secret documents in history, whistleblower Edward Snowden is set to tell his side of the story in a memoir, Permanent Record. From a report: Out on 17 September, the book will be published in more than 20 countries and will detail how and why the former CIA…

Moon Landing Could Have Infected the Earth With Lunar Germs, Say Astronauts

PolygamousRanchKid quotes a report from The Independent: A mistake made during the Apollo 11 moon landing could have brought lunar germs to the Earth, astronauts have revealed. When the three astronauts flew to the Moon and back, exactly 50 years ago this month, NASA worked hard to ensure that no bugs were brought back from the lunar surface. All three of…

Why Some Businesses Really Hate Yelp

An anonymous reader quotes Slate: The overall argument of Billion Dollar Bully, the new documentary about Yelp released on Amazon and iTunes in May, is that Yelp extorts small business owners for advertising fees in return for helping to manage and improve reviews on their platform… Yelp has fought back against the allegations made in the film, arguing that “There has…

Greta Thunberg became a climate activist not in spite of her autism, but because of it


Why it Feels Like Time is Speeding Up

Melissa Dykes – Entire generations being born now are raised to be dependent on technology. Source:…

Claims of FBI Raid by “UFO Truther” Bob Lazar Confirmed, Investigator Says

A series of documents related to an FBI raid involving Bob Lazar, an alleged former employee at the famous Area 51, appear to confirm events which transpired during the filming of a recent documentary about the controversial scientist. Since the 1990s, Lazar has claimed to have once been employed at a high-security facility at Groom… Read more » Source:…