Should Parents Support Teens Who Want To Become Professional Gamers?

A family physician warned about a new problem this week in the New York Times: As a family doctor, I often hear from parents about how their kids push back at any attempt to limit how much time they spend playing video games. The parents will say, it’s after midnight, maybe it’s time to turn off the video game and get…

AI Will Soon Be Able To Decode Your Poop

Microbial health company Seed is launching a campaign to collect 100,000 fecal photos to build what developers say is the world’s first poop image database. The campaign dares you to “give a shit” for science by uploading photos of your feces so that scientists can use it to train an AI platform launched out of MIT. Developers say that your photos…

Researchers Find Racial Bias In Hospital Algorithm

Black patients were less likely than white patients to get extra medical help, despite being sicker, when an algorithm used by a large hospital chose who got the additional attention, according to a new study underscoring the risks as technology gains a foothold in medicine. The Wall Street Journal reports: Hospitals use the algorithm — from Optum, UnitedHealth Group’s health-services arm…

Is ‘Amazon Care’ a True Benefit Or Industrial Era-Style Healthcare?

Lucas123 writes: Like Apple and Intel, Amazon is piloting an in-house program for employees that in addition to healthcare insurance affords workers access to telemedicine and at-home visits from a contracted provider. While growing in popularity, in-house healthcare programs, which even include corporate clinics, are seen by some as an example of the growth in fragmented care or mimicking corporate care…

AI Equal With Human Experts in Medical Diagnosis, Study Finds

Artificial intelligence is on a par with human experts when it comes to making medical diagnoses based on images, a review has found. From a report: The potential for artificial intelligence in healthcare has caused excitement, with advocates saying it will ease the strain on resources, free up time for doctor-patient interactions and even aid the development of tailored treatment. Last…

Today in science: Happy birthday Albert J. Myer

As you check your local weather forecast today, give a nod to Albert J. Myer, born on this date in 1828, who helped to establish the US National Weather Service. Source:…

First Long-Distance Heart Surgery Performed Via Robot

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: A doctor in India has performed a series of five percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) procedures on patients who were 20 miles away from him. The feat was pulled off using a precision vascular robot developed by Corindus. The results of the surgeries, which were successful, have just been published in EClinicalMedicine, a spin-off…

If I have a disease-causing gene, should my doctor tell my family?

Genetic testing is undermining medical norms as people sue their doctors for either telling them or not telling them a relative’s diagnosis, says Laura Spinney Source:…