Apple, Cloudflare, and Fastly Propose a New Privacy-Focused DNS Standard Called ‘Oblivious DoH’

“Cloudflare, Apple, and Fastly have co-designed and proposed a new DNS standard to tackle ongoing privacy issues associated with DNS,” reports ZDNet. Cloudflare calls it “a practical approach for improving privacy” that “aims to improve the overall adoption of encrypted DNS protocols without compromising performance and user experience…” Third-parties, such as ISPs, find it more difficult to trace website visits when…

DNS Over HTTPS: Not As Private As Some Think?

Long-time Slashdot reader UnderAttack writes:
DNS over HTTPS has been hailed as part of a “poor mans VPN”. Its use of HTTPS to send DNS queries makes it much more difficult to detect and block the use of the protocol. But there are some kinks in the armor. Current clients, and most current DoH services, do not implement the optional passing option,…

Big ISPs Worry DNS-Over-HTTPS Could Stop Monitoring and Modifying of DNS Queries

“Big Cable and other telecom industry groups warned that Google’s support for DNS over HTTPS (DoH) ‘could interfere on a mass scale with critical Internet functions, as well as raise data-competition issues,'” reports Ars Technica. But are they really just worried DNS over HTTPS will end useful ISP practices that involve monitoring or modifying DNS queries? For example, queries to malware-associated…