Facebook and Twitter Remove Manipulated Video From Trump’s Accounts After DMCA Complaint

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Verge: Facebook has removed a manipulated video posted on President Trump’s account after receiving a copyright complaint from the rights owners. The manipulated video shows a black toddler running away from a white toddler, with a CNN chyron reading “terrified toddler runs from racist baby.” The original video, which went viral last year,…

Twitch Streamers Receive a Flood of Music Copyright Claims For Old Clips

“It looks like Twitch streamers are the latest targets for coordinated DMCA attacks,” writes Slashdot reader stikves. “What is more concerning is that these could potentially cripple their accounts.” Engadget reports: The company has acknowledged (via Evening Standard) a “sudden influx” of DMCA takedown requests against streamers for allegedly violating music copyright in clips captured by viewers between 2017 and 2019….

Copyright Office: System For Pulling Content Offline Isn’t Working

The process to get unlicensed versions of movies, music and other content taken off the internet isn’t working as intended and should be updated, the Copyright Office said in an expansive report Thursday. From a report: Updating that system would require an act of Congress, which can now look to the Copyright Office’s conclusions as it considers legislating on the matter….

Don’t Use the Word ‘Did’ Or a Dumb Anti-Piracy Company Will Delete You From Google

In 2018, the owner of Two-Bit History, a site dedicated to computer history, wrote a successful article about mathematician Ada Lovelace, who some credit as being the first computer programmer. Sadly, if you search Google for that article today you won’t find it. Some idiotic anti-piracy company had it deleted because it dared to use the word “did.” TorrentFreak reports: In…

‘Unauthorized Bread’: A Tale of Jailbreaking Refugees Versus IoT Appliances

Science fiction writer, journalist and longtime Slashdot reader, Cory Doctorow, a.k.a. mouthbeef, writes: My novella “Unauthorized Bread” — originally published last year in Radicalized from Tor Books — has just been published on Ars Technica: it’s an epic tale of jailbreaking refugees versus the disobedient IoT appliances they’re forced to use, and it’s being turned into a TV show by The…

Twitch Has Become a Haven For Live Sports Piracy

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Wired: Twitch has been and remains home to illicit sports broadcasts; a late December boxing match attracted over 86,000 viewers — some of whom spammed ASCII genitalia in chat — and a mid-January soccer match drew over 70,000 over three livestreams. Although Twitch often stomps them out mid-match, plenty of livestreams posted by throwaway…

Twitter Removed Links to News Stories That Mentioned Leaked TV Shows

Starz used the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to force Twitter to kill tweets about its leaked episodes of ‘American Gods.’ Source: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/j5wxak/twitter-removed-links-to-news-stories-that-mentioned-leaked-tv-shows…

Twitter Doesn’t Want You Sharing This Link About TV Piracy

Twitter is home to some of the vilest neo-Nazis, racists, and homophobes on the planet. But don’t even think about discussing the one topic that’s apparently taboo on the platform: Piracy of TV shows.Read more… Source: https://gizmodo.com/twitter-doesnt-want-you-sharing-this-link-about-tv-pira-1834043362…

Warner Bros: Yes, We’re Aware Trump Ripped Off the Dark Knight Rises OST, No, He’s Not Allowed to Do That

To follow the doings of Donald Trump even briefly is to be constantly bombarded with a stream of indignities, breaches of protocol, reality-warping lies, and extended middle fingers, ranging from the petty (his staff photoshopping him to look thinner) to the outrageous (brazen efforts to make our cruel health care… Read more… Source: https://gizmodo.com/warner-bros-yes-were-aware-trump-ripped-off-the-dark-1833931127

Reddit’s Piracy Subreddit Is Purging a Decade of Posts

Since around 2009, Reddit’s /r/piracy subreddit has been a place for people dedicated to downloading media for free to trade information, methods, and in some cases direct links to copyrighted material. Since its inception, the subreddit has grown to more than 360,000 subscribers. Now, 10 years of posting history is going up in smoke as… Continue reading Reddit’s Piracy Subreddit Is Purging a Decade of Posts