CDC’s Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness Guide: The Blog That Will Not Die

The CDC published a blog post about zombies 10 years ago and news outlets simply will not shut up about it.Source:…

Daniel’s inspiring story shows how learning new skills can benefit your own career as well as your community!

Meet Daniel, an undergraduate student at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. He’s currently pursuing a bachelor of science in medical laboratory science, but as a passionate learner, he also has many other interests. Daniel came to Coursera to explore topics outside of his field of study such as IT, computer science, and more. Today, […]
The post Daniel’s inspiring story shows…

Fauci Says CDC May Recommend Wearing Two Masks To Fight Virus

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bloomberg: The Centers for Disease Control may recommend wearing two masks — one over the other — to keep at bay the more contagious variants of the coronavirus, according to Anthony Fauci. The CDC and Fauci discussed the matter Monday but the agency doesn’t yet have the data to make any formal recommendation, he…

Razer Has Created a Concept N95 Mask With RGB and Voice Projection

Razer has created a concept reusable N95 respirator called Project Hazel, featuring Chroma RGB LEDs and microphones and amplifiers to project your voice. The Verge reports: It’s a concept design with a glossy outside shell made of waterproof and scratch-resistant recycled plastic, which is transparent to allow for lip-reading and seeing facial cues when you chat with people. Currently, there isn’t…

America’s Covid-19 Deaths Likely to Exceed 9/11’s Death Toll Every Day, For Two Months

Just today in America there were 223,365 new Covid-19 cases. The Hill notes that’s “the worst it has ever been.” Long-time Slashdot reader smooth wombat also highlights this quote from Robert Redfield, the director of America’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: “We are in the timeframe now that probably for the next 60 to 90 days we’re going to have…

Did COVID Data Whistleblower Hack Florida’s Emergency Alert System? Police Raid Home

FriendlySolipsist writes: Independent journalist Rebekah Jones, a scientist fired by the Florida state government because, she said, of her refusal to manipulate official COVID-19 data releases to coincide with political considerations and who now operates website, had her home raided by the FL state police who seized computers and cellphones, the Miami Herald reported. The FDLE affidavit in support of…

To reduce chances of spreading coronavirus, keep indoor air clean

Being indoors with other people is a recipe for spreading the coronavirus. But removing airborne particles through proper ventilation and air filtration can reduce some of that risk. Source:…

Epidemiologist explains CDC guidance on 15 minutes of exposure

New guidance from the CDC says that 15 minutes of exposure – regardless of whether that occurs at one time – can result in transmission of the coronavirus. Source:…

Masks are Effective, Despite One Flawed Study From Denmark

“I think the overwhelming body of evidence suggests that masks are effective,” the lead author of a study recently cited by America’s Center for Disease Control told the Washington Post. They were responding to another (very controversial) outlier study whose findings “conflict with those from a number of other studies,” according to the New York Times, citing numerous experts. “Critics were…

Screening Travelers For Symptoms of COVID-19 Was Ineffective, CDC Study Says

Temperature and symptom-based screening programs don’t help catch coronavirus cases, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a new report that took a closer look at the programs used at US airports until mid-September. CNN reports: The CDC said this was a resource-intensive program that had a low case detection rate. Between January 17 and September 13, the…