Engineers using soundwaves to search through big data with more stability and ease

Human beings create a lot of data in the digital age—whether it’s through everyday items like social media posts, emails and Google searches, or more complex information about health, finances and scientific findings. …

The Next Energy-Efficient Architecture Revolution: A House Built By Robots

“Erecting a new building ranks among the most inefficient, polluting activities humans undertake,” reports Qz. “The construction sector is responsible for nearly 40% of the world’s total energy consumption and CO2 emissions, according to a UN global survey. A consortium of Swiss researchers has one answer to the problem: working with robots.” Over four years, 30 different industry partners joined a…

EU Reappoints Top Antitrust Cop Who Led Crackdown on Tech Giants

In a surprise move, the new European Commission has reappointed Margrethe Vestager to be its antitrust chief. From a report: As Europe’s chief of competition, Vestager has over the past several years led a crusade against many of the biggest U.S. tech companies for abuses of power. But following recent elections for the European Parliament and the selection of a new…

This “Tank Man” image from Tiananmen Square heralded a new digital age

“Tank Man” is an iconic image of how one man defied brutal state power at Tiananmen Square 30 years ago. It also marked the beginning of a new technological era Source:…

Behold the Ingenious Musical Marble Machine

Could the return of marble-based madness be a reaction to our digital age? That we must construct real fantastical machines that perform humble amusements in the face of CGI-filled blockbusters? Do we need to know that if society collapses we can look to members of the Swedish folktronic band Wintergatan to help rebuild it? After […]

Behold the Ingenious Musical Marble Machine…

‘Game of Thrones’ Shows Why We Need to Back Up Human Civilization

The newest episode of ‘Game of Thrones’ plays on real world anxieties about data corruption and erasure.Source:…