Pesticides and industrial pollutants found in snow atop Arctic glaciers

The long journey of these compounds – likely originating in the U.S. and Eurasia – shows the far-reaching impacts of industrial pollution. Source:…

Prone to motion sickness? Your sex, diet and shoe size may be to blame

We are finally solving the mystery of why motion can make us queasy – just in time to help us deal with nausea-inducing VR headsets, driverless cars and space tourism Source:…

Hidden nutrition: We don’t know what makes up 99 per cent of our food

We know next to nothing about the vast majority of compounds in our diet. Now researchers are finding ways to study this “nutritional dark matter” – and what it could mean for our health Source:…

WSJ: ‘Quit Chrome. Safari and Edge Are Just Better Browsers’

The Wall Street Journal’s senior personal tech columnist just published an article urging readers to “quit Chrome. Safari and Edge are just better browsers.” It begins with the reporter pretending to break up with Chrome, adding “I’d say I’ll remember the good times — your speed, your superb handling of Gmail — but your RAM hoovering, battery draining and privacy disregarding…

How To Grow Sprouts At Home In Just 1 Week

Want to learn how to grow sprouts? It’s very simple. In fact, it will only take you around a week. Sprouts are nutritional powerhouses and growing them is a great addition to your wonderful homestead. So to help you get moving, we listed down a few steps. RELATED: How To Sprout Mung Beans In Jars…Continue Reading
The post How To Grow Sprouts…

7 Must-Know Tips When Growing Lettuce In Summer

Growing lettuce in summer may be tricky because of the warm, glaring sun. Sometimes, homesteaders like you may get discouraged because the lettuce leaves dry out. And, the seeds may not even germinate at all. But, all hope is not lost. There are some simple techniques that you can do so you can enjoy your…Continue Reading
The post 7 Must-Know Tips When…

A sugary diet changes gut bacteria and worsens brain function in rats

Rats fed a sugar syrup early in life develop an unusual gut microbiome that seems to worsen the rodents’ memories by changing the way their brains work Source:…

There is no perfect diet that works for every metabolism or body type

Everyone’s metabolism responds differently to the same foods, even among identical twins, which suggests personalised eating plans are more effective than a single diet Source:…

Japan Enacts High-Tech ‘Super City’ Bill Where AI, Big Data and Other Technologies Are Utilized To Resolve Social Problems

The Diet enacted a bill Wednesday to create “super cities” where artificial intelligence, big data and other technologies are utilized to resolve social problems. The Japan Times reports: The bill revising the national strategic special zone law passed the House of Councilors by a majority vote with support mainly from the ruling coalition. The revision stipulates procedures to speed up the…