Australian ‘Super Seaweed’ Supplement To Reduce Cattle Gas Emissions Wins $1 Million International Prize

SpamSlapper shares a report from The Australian Broadcasting Corporation: A company commercializing a CSIRO-developed, seaweed feed product, which slashes the amount of greenhouse gases cattle burp and fart into the atmosphere, has won a $1 million international prize for its work reshaping the food system. CSIRO-affiliated company Future Feed said it would use its Food Planet Prize winnings to create an…

Meat-free diets linked with greater risk of breaking bones

Vegetarians, vegans and pescetarians are more likely to break their hips than those who eat meat, possibly due to lack of calcium and protein in their diet Source:…

Do the Faces of People In Long-Term Relationships Start To Look the Same?

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: Working with her Stanford colleague, Michal Kosinski, [Pin Pin Tea-makorn, ]a PhD student at Stanford] scoured Google, newspaper anniversary notices and genealogy websites for photos of couples taken at the start of their marriages and many years later. From these they compiled a database of pictures from 517 couples, taken within two…

What Do Worms Eat? | Worm Farming 101

“What do worms eat?” is the first question on every beginner worm farmer’s mind. If you are looking to add worm farms in your homestead then here is everything you need to know about what worms eat. RELATED: Worm Farm Kit: Essential Supplies Every Beginner Should Have What Do Worms Eat? | FAQs What to Feed…Continue Reading
The post What Do Worms Eat?…

The paleo diet may make your biological age older than your real age

A new way of calculating biological age based on the bacteria in our gut has thrown up some surprising results, including that people on the paleo diet are biologically almost two years older than their real age Source:…

Why there is no such thing as a healthy diet that works for everyone

What is good for us to eat varies so much from person to person that a universally wholesome diet is a fiction. Instead, the science of nutrition is hot on the heels of a new recipe for healthy eating Source:…

‘Ultra-Processed’ Junk Food Linked to Advanced Aging at Cellular Level, Study Finds

Science Alert reports:
People who eat a lot of industrially processed junk food are more likely to exhibit a change in their chromosomes linked to aging, according to research presented Tuesday at an online medical conference. Three or more servings of so-called “ultra-processed food” per day doubled the odds that strands of DNA and proteins called telomeres, found on the end of…

Sea anemones grow more tentacles when they have plenty of food to eat

Animal shape is typically controlled by genes, but sea anemones gain more tentacles if they eat more food – which would be like us growing more arms and legs on a rich diet Source:…

How Bill Gates Celebrated Warren Buffett’s 90th Birthday

The seventh-wealthiest man in the world, Warren Buffett, turns 90 today. Famously the tycoon/philanthropist pledged to give away 90% of his wealth, founding with Bill and Melinda Gates “The Giving Pledge,” a campaign urging the world’s wealthiest individuals to dedicate the majority of their wealth to giving back. Over $1.2 trillion has now been pledged, with participants including Elon Musk, Ted…