Permafrost Is Thawing So Fast, It’s Gouging Holes In the Arctic

According to a new study published in the journal Nature Geoscience, rapidly-thawing permafrost in the Arctic is causing sinkholes in a process called thermokarst. “That’s the land that gets ravaged whenever permafrost thaws rapidly,” reports Wired. “As the ice that holds the soil together disappears, hillsides collapse and massive sinkholes open up.” From the report: Today in the journal Nature Geoscience,…

Tarantula Nebula seen through the eyes of Spitzer

Stunning new Spitzer Space Telescope image of the Tarantula Nebula in the nearby Large Magellanic Cloud dwarf galaxy. Spitzer ended its 16-year mission on January 30. Source:…

EarthSky’s 2020 meteor shower guide

All you need to know about major meteor showers in 2020. Source:…

‘Learning at Work is Work, and We Must Make Space For It’

An anonymous reader shares a paper: The event was running over, the car was waiting, but the keynote speaker did not seem to mind. He was enjoying fielding questions from a large auditorium packed to the rafters with executives, aspiring entrepreneurs, and management students. “Get ready for an age in which we are all in tech,” he had told them, “whether…

Intel CEO Blames Company’s Obsessive Focus on Capturing 90% CPU Market Share For Missing Out on Other Opportunities

Intel chief executive Bob Swan says he’s willing to let go the company’s traditional dominance of the market for CPUs in order to meet the rising demand for newer, more specialized silicon chips for applications such as AI and autonomous cars. From a report: Intel’s Bob Swan blames being focused on 90% CPU market share as a reason for missing opportunities…

Hubble spots galaxy’s dramatic details

Hubble image of galaxy NGC 5468. Source:…