Developer Takes Down Ruby Library After He Finds Out ICE Was Using It

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: A software engineer pulled a personal project down after he found out that one of the companies using it had recently signed a contract with the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The engineer, Seth Vargo, cited the ICE’s “inhumane treatment, denial of basic human rights, and detaining children in cages,” as the…

Wired Lists ‘The Windows 10 Privacy Settings You Should Check Right Now’

“If you’re at all concerned about the privacy of your data, you don’t want to leave the default settings in place on your devices — and that includes anything that runs Windows 10,” warns a new article in Wired, listing out the “controls and options you can modify to lock down the use of your data, from the information you share…

US To Collect Social Media Profiles From Immigrants, Asylum Seekers, and Refugees

The Department of Homeland Security plans to expand its social media profile collection program from US visa applicants to also include data from immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees. From a report: The DHS published a notice on the federal registry describing its future data collection practice this week. The agency plans to ask immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees to provide usernames…

US Issues Hacking Security Alert for Small Planes

wiredmikey writes: The DHS has issued a security alert for small planes, warning that modern flight systems are vulnerable to hacking if someone manages to gain physical access to the aircraft. The alert stems from research done by security firm Rapid7, which found that an attacker could potentially disrupt electronic messages transmitted across a small plane’s network, for example by attaching…

Mainstream Media Now Calling for the Arrest of “Antivaxxers”

Matt Agorist – The Washington Post published an article this week that called for rounding up “antivaxxers” and throwing them in jail. Source:…