NASA’s next laser communications demo installed, integrated

On July 16, 2020, the Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (LCRD) payload was installed and integrated on the U.S. Department of Defense Space Test Program Satellite 6 (STPSat-6) in preparation for a 2021 launch. As an experimental payload, LCRD will demonstrate the robust capabilities of laser communications, which can provide significant benefits to missions, including bandwidth increases of 10 to 100 times…

Google is Quietly Experimenting With Holographic Glasses and Smart Tattoos

A simple pair of sunglasses that projects holographic icons. A smartwatch that has a digital screen but analog hands. A temporary tattoo that, when applied to your skin, transforms your body into a living touchpad. A virtual reality controller that lets you pick up objects in digital worlds and feel their weight as you swing them around. Those are some of…

High school students build lockers for trip to the International Space Station

Pulling that final zipper closed on a stuffed suitcase or getting the tailgate of a packed car shut is a true feeling of victory at the start of any road trip. Sending supplies to the International Space Station—including on NASA’s SpaceX Demo-2 test flight that launched the first astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley on SpaceX’s Crew Dragon capsule May 30…

Microsoft Edge To Save Edits Made To PDF Files Without Saving a Copy Each Time

techtsp quotes The Windows Club: In a major breakthrough, Microsoft Edge now supports Native File System API, which will take progressive web apps and their usage to a whole new level. An official roadmap entry points towards the new development, which only means one thing: Bridging the native app gap using modern web technologies… This is exactly where Microsoft Edge’s Native…

SpaceX successfully launches two NASA astronauts into orbit for historic flight

Amid an uncertain weather forecast, SpaceX successfully launched two NASA astronauts toward the International Space Station today (May 30). Source:

How to spot ISS in your sky

Learn to watch ISS moving silently and steadily across your night sky, and think of the 2 astronauts currently making their way there. Source:…

What you need to know about SpaceX’s ‘Demo-2’ mission

SpaceX’s “Demo-2” mission from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida this weekend will be the first flight with astronauts aboard the Crew Dragon capsule built by entrepreneur Elon Musk’s commercial space company. Source:…