Elon Musk Releases an Electronic Dance Music Song

CNET shares “the latest, strangest news from the world of Elon Musk…electronic dance music?” It’s the second song he’s released on Emo G Records’ Soundcloud page following 2019’s RIP Harambe. On Thursday, Musk posted a series of tweets suggesting he’d written a song he was calling “Don’t doubt yer vibe” and was releasing it on Emo G Records. There was a…

Astronomers witness the dragging of space-time in stellar cosmic dance

An international team of astrophysicists led by Australian Professor Matthew Bailes, from the ARC Centre of Excellence of Gravitational Wave Discovery (OzGrav), has shown exciting new evidence for ‘frame-dragging’—how the spinning of a celestial body twists space and time—after tracking the orbit of an exotic stellar pair for almost two decades. The data, which is further evidence for Einstein’s theory of…

Chinese New Year 2020 falls on January 25

Chinese New Year 2020 falls on January 25 in Asia (January 24 in the west), beginning the Year of the Rat. China’s public holiday will be January 24-30. In Beijing this week, Chinese health officials expressed concerns about a coronavirus now spreading during this heavy travel season in Asia. Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/chinese-new-year-lunar-new-year…

People Can Be Identified By the Way They Dance

Might it be possible that someday in the near future, an official might get you to dance around a bit, in order to confirm that you’re really you? Perhaps not, but nonetheless, a recent study has determined that people’s identities can be matched to their unique style of dancing. From a report: Scientists at Finland’s University of Jyvaskyla started out by…

‘Cats’ Director Rushes Visual Effects Update Into Theaters After Disastrous Opening

Though its poster promises “the most joyful event of the holiday season,” the new movie Cats scored just 18% with professional critics on Rotten Tomatoes, and the $100 million adaptaton of the Broadway musical has so far earned just $6.5 million at the box office. Its director apparently doesn’t want that to be the last word. “You’ve seen movies receive visual…

A second black hole at our galaxy’s center?

There’s a supermassive black hole – 4 million times our sun’s mass – in the center of our Milky Way galaxy. Astronomers who’ve measured star movements near this central black hole are now saying there might be a 2nd companion black hole near it. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/supermassive-black-hole-milky-way-galaxys-center-may-have-friend…

Image: The galactic dance of NGC 5394 and NGC 5395

“Everything is determined by forces over which we have no control… Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper,” Albert Einstein wrote. Source: https://phys.org/news/2019-12-image-galactic-ngc.html…

Study Reveals Music’s Universal Patterns Across Societies Worldwide

From love songs to dance tunes to lullabies, music made in disparate cultures worldwide displays certain universal patterns, according to a study by researchers who suggest a commonality in the way human minds create music. From a report: The study focused on musical recordings and ethnographic records from 60 societies around the world including such diverse cultures as the Highland Scots…

Amazon and Code.org Tap Lil Nas X and Katy Perry To Teach Children To Code

theodp writes: To help Prince Charles quickly learn the Welsh Language, viewers of The Crown learned this week, Labour prime minster Harold Wilson engaged Welsh nationalist Dr. Edward “Tedi” Millward as his reluctant tutor. To help U.S. children quickly learn to code, readers of Medium learned this week, Code.org and Amazon have engaged Lil Nas X and Katy Perry to be…