Large Rocks Mysteriously Fall From the Sky in India

Rocks mysteriously falling from the sky is one of the classic Fortean phenomena described in Charles Forte’s “Book of the Damned.” Often blamed on poltergeists, pranksters, weather or Bigfoot, these dangerous events are reported frequently in India, which is where the latest occurrence originates. Residents of Raigarh say they now fear nightfall after large rocks… Read more » Source:…

The Mysterious Moss Man of Florida

The thick swamps of Florida can be a spooky place to say the least, their tangles of cypress trees, vines, and brush clouded with mosquitoes and infested by all manner of insects and snakes, the murky, muddy waters prowled by alligators lying in wait for the unwary. When the sun goes down the swamp comes… Read more » Source:…

Chupacabras? No: Rhesus Monkeys!

They say that truth is stranger than fiction. And they are right – whoever “they” actually are. For me, at least, this really hit home on an expedition I made to Puerto Rico in 2010. It turned out to be one of the most memorable, and strangest, of all my many treks around Puerto Rico,… Continue reading Chupacabras? No: Rhesus Monkeys!

Mysterious Demon Gators and Crocodilian Cryptids of North America

Throughout the world are countless cases of unidentified, out of place, or just plain weird mystery creatures, commonly called cryptids. Ranging from lake monsters like Nessie to the likes of Bigfoot, they are the denizens of the wilds beyond our understanding, evading classification. Among these mystery monsters are the various strange creatures that seem to… Continue reading Mysterious Demon Gators and Crocodilian Cryptids of North America

“Mini Mothman” Reportedly Hits Truck Windshield in Wisconsin

“A large flying man with ten-foot wings.”   “A six- or seven-foot-tall, white creature with red eyes and large wings.”   “About 7 feet tall, its wings folded against its back.” Mothman Statue in Point Pleasant (Wikipedia) Those descriptions and others of the creature that has become known as the Mothman make it worthy of… Continue reading “Mini Mothman” Reportedly Hits Truck Windshield in Wisconsin

Monsters: Three Potential Expeditions

Today, I thought I would do something a bit different. Something a bit lighter than the conspiratorial things I often write about. A few days ago I was asked, if money and time were unlimited, what top three expeditions would I like to go on? It’s a good question. I guess, to a degree, it… Continue reading Monsters: Three Potential Expeditions

New Tiny Hominid Species Found in Philippine Cave

Another day … another “This changes everything!” discovery. Today’s potentially earth-shattering find comes from the Philippines where teeth extracted from a cave on the island of Luzon have been determined to have once been in the mouths of a diminutive extinct human species that was less that four feet tall, lived at least 50,000 years… Continue reading New Tiny Hominid Species Found in Philippine Cave

Woman Snaps Picture Of What Could Be The Park-Haunting “Demon Dog”

With more than 700 acres of parkland that includes lakes, formal gardens, woodlands, playgrounds, cafes, and the Tropical World visitor attraction, Roundhay Park in Leeds, West Yorkshire, is one of the most popular parks in England. One day, Stephanie Smith was enjoying a visit to the park with her parents and daughter when she captured… Continue reading Woman Snaps Picture Of What Could Be The Park-Haunting “Demon Dog”

Man Calls 911 to Report “7-8 Feet Tall” Humanoid With Wings and Bright Green Eyes

Oh boy, there’s something strange afoot in middle America. Recently, reports of bizarre flying humanoid creatures have ramped up in the states surrounding the Great Lakes, both current sightings and, as a consequence of the increased attention, reports of past sightings as well. As I’ve written in the past few months, there’s only one paranormal… Continue reading Man Calls 911 to Report “7-8 Feet Tall” Humanoid With Wings and Bright Green Eyes

Follow the Giant Footprints to These 8 Superior Bigfoot Movies

You don’t have to venture too deep into the Hollywood forest to find a crummy take on Bigfoot. But the hairy cryptid has also appeared in several projects that are actually worth watching. With Laika’s stop-motion film Missing Link out this week, it seemed like just the moment to celebrate eight of Sasquatch’s biggest… Read more…… Continue reading Follow the Giant Footprints to These 8 Superior Bigfoot Movies