First Meat Grown In Space Lab 248 Miles From Earth

The Israeli food technology startup Aleph Farms has successfully cultured meat in space for the first time. The Guardian reports: Aleph Farms grew the meat on the International Space Station, 248 miles (399 km) away from any natural resources. Bovine cells were harvested on Earth and taken to space, where they were grown into small-scale muscle tissue using a 3D bioprinter….

Is ‘The Far Side’ Comic Strip Coming Back?

An anonymous reader quotes the Guardian:
Fans of the surreal, the bizarre and sardonic anthropomorphic cows are in a fervour after The Far Side cartoonist Gary Larson’s website was updated last weekend with promises of “a new online era”, 24 years after the reclusive creator retired at the age of 44. Larson’s iconic Far Side cartoons were syndicated in more than 1,900…