Lancet Study Finds 40% of US COVID-19 Deaths Could Have Been Avoided

phalse phace shares a report from Slate: The British medical journal the Lancet, on Wednesday, published a damning assessment of Donald Trump’s presidency and its impact on Americans’ health, concluding that 40 percent of the nearly 500,000 COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. over the past year were avoidable. The journal came to the conclusion by comparing the U.S. health outcomes on…

How worried should we be about the new coronavirus variants?

New versions of coronavirus that spread faster and might evade the immune system are causing fears about vaccine efficacy and a rise in covid-19 deaths. Here’s what you need to know Source:…

Covid-19 Deaths Rose In US College Towns When Students Returned

The New York Times reports: As coronavirus deaths soar across the country, deaths in communities that are home to colleges have risen faster than the rest of the nation, a New York Times analysis of 203 counties where students compose at least 10 percent of the population has found… [S]ince the end of August, deaths from the coronavirus have doubled in…

America’s Covid-19 Hospitalizations Hit a Record High For the 7th Straight Day

CNN reports: U.S. Covid-19 hospitalizations hit a record high for the seventh day in a row Saturday with 108,487 patients in hospitals around the country, according to the Covid Tracking Project. And the number of Covid-19 cases reported in the United States reached more than 16 million after the country added 1 million cases in just four days, according to Johns…

America’s Covid-19 Deaths Likely to Exceed 9/11’s Death Toll Every Day, For Two Months

Just today in America there were 223,365 new Covid-19 cases. The Hill notes that’s “the worst it has ever been.” Long-time Slashdot reader smooth wombat also highlights this quote from Robert Redfield, the director of America’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: “We are in the timeframe now that probably for the next 60 to 90 days we’re going to have…

UK coronavirus epidemic is doubling every seven days warn scientists

The UK faces a “very difficult problem” of rising covid-19 deaths and cases if it does not change course, chief medical officer for England Chris Whitty has warned Source:…

DOJ Finally Starts Process of Investigating Nursing Home Deaths From COVID-19

onyxruby writes: The DOJ has finally launched the precursor to an investigation into the mass deaths of senior citizens in nursing homes and long term care facilities. Roughly half of all COVID-19 deaths in the United Stated have occurred in nursing homes. The governors of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Michigan are being requested to provide information to the DOJ….

America’s Daily COVID-19 Death Toll Passes 1,000 Again

AleRunner writes: The United States on Tuesday recorded more than 1,000 daily deaths from COVID-19 for the first time since May, according to Politico. This trend continued and actually increased on Wednesday with over 1,200 deaths. Whilst there have been suggestions that the increase in cases in the US was an artifact of greater testing, the new data on deaths makes…