Astronomers use slime mold model to reveal dark threads of the cosmic web

A computational approach inspired by the growth patterns of a bright yellow slime mold has enabled a team of astronomers and computer scientists at UC Santa Cruz to trace the filaments of the cosmic web that connects galaxies throughout the universe. Source:…

Distant galaxies moving in sync hint at cosmic web across the universe

Astronomers have found that galaxies separated by large distances appear to be linked with neighbouring galaxies, perhaps the result of a large-scale structure of the universe Source:…

Scientists start mapping universe’s hidden web

Maps of the long filaments of gas that hold the universe together might one day help trace and unveil dark matter. Source:…

The violent history of Andromeda, the big galaxy next door

“The Milky Way is on a collision course with Andromeda in about 4 billion years. So knowing what kind of a monster our galaxy is up against is useful in finding out the Milky Way’s ultimate fate.” Source:…

Cosmic web fuels stars and supermassive black holes

Astronomers probed the cosmic web, a large-scale structure composed of massive filaments of galaxies separated by giant voids. They found the filaments also contained significant amounts of gas, believed to help fuel the galaxies’ growth. Source:…

Astronomers map our local cosmic void

Our universe is a tapestry of galaxy congregations and vast voids. An international team of astronomers has now published a new study revealing more of this cosmic structure as it appears surrounding our Milky Way. Source:…

Spiraling filaments feed young galaxies

Galaxies grow by accumulating gas from their surroundings and converting it to stars, but the details of this process have remained murky. New observations, made using the Keck Cosmic Web Imager (KCWI) at the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii, now provide the clearest, most direct evidence yet that filaments of cool gas spiral into young galaxies, supplying the fuel for…