MPA and Amazon Ask GitHub To Suspend Kodi Add-On Developer’s Account

The MPA, MPA-Canada, and Amazon have filed a request with Github requesting that a Kodi add-on developer’s account be deleted from the platform. Citing a copyright case and a permanent injunction handed down by Canada’s Federal Court, the content companies claim that the account is still being used to infringe their rights. Github has left the account intact, however. TorrentFreak reports:…

Court Rules Photographer Gave Up Exclusive Licensing Rights by Posting on Instagram

When it comes to appropriating images found online, the situation is understandably confusing. If an individual posts something on social media, does that give someone else the right to use it in a different forum? Most lawyers would likely answer, “Not so fast,” and yet on Monday came a suggestive ruling perhaps otherwise from a New York federal court. From a…

The Supreme Court Says States Cannot Be Sued For Copyright Infringement

sandbagger shares a report from PetaPixel: The Supreme Court of the United States dealt a major blow to photographers’ copyright protections when it declared that states cannot be sued for copyright infringement because they have “sovereign immunity.” The opinion came down as part of a writ of certiorari regarding the case of Allen v Cooper. A writ of certiorari is basically…

Activision Fights ‘Call of Duty’ Leaks With Subpoenas to Reddit

Gizmodo shares the saga of a now-deleted video claiming to show Call of Duty’s new “battle royale” mode: The YouTube video, initially posted by a user who goes by TheGamingRevoYT, was slammed with a copyright claim and ripped from the platform. Meanwhile, other gamers noticed that Reddit posts and Twitter threads even mentioning the upcoming release were being taken down for…

Don’t Use the Word ‘Did’ Or a Dumb Anti-Piracy Company Will Delete You From Google

In 2018, the owner of Two-Bit History, a site dedicated to computer history, wrote a successful article about mathematician Ada Lovelace, who some credit as being the first computer programmer. Sadly, if you search Google for that article today you won’t find it. Some idiotic anti-piracy company had it deleted because it dared to use the word “did.” TorrentFreak reports: In…

FBI Busts Massive Pirate Streaming Service With More Content Than Netflix

An anonymous reader quotes USA Today: Two programmers in Las Vegas recently admitted to running two of the largest illegal television and movie streaming services in the country, according to federal officials… An FBI investigation led officials to Darryl Polo, 36, and Luis Villarino, 40, who have pleaded guilty to copyright infringement charges for operating iStreamItAll, a subscription-based streaming site, and…