Vietnam: How a Country So Close To China Managed To Control COVID-19

New submitter AleRunner writes: Considering Vietnam’s proximity to China, where coronavirus was first reported, it might be expected that the Southeast Asian country would be affected by Covid-19 in a similar manner,” reports “China has more than 84,000 cases of coronavirus and more than 4,600 deaths, according to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center. Painting a strikingly different picture, Vietnam,…

Austrian Citizen Files GDPR Legal Complaint Over Android Advertising ID

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Register: Privacy pressure group Noyb has filed a legal complaint against Google on behalf of an Austrian citizen, claiming the Android Advertising ID on every Android device is “personal data” as defined by the EU’s GDPR and that this data is illegally processed. Based in Vienna, Austria, Noyb is a nonprofit founded by…

New simulations indicate that Jupiter’s fourth-largest moon ejects water from its subsurface ocean into space

During a fly-by of Jupiter’s moon Europa twenty years ago, NASA’s space probe Galileo may have witnessed a plume of water. A group of scientists including researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in Germany have now found new evidence of this event. In computer simulations they strove to reproduce the data gathered by the onboard particle…

Washington Restaurants Will Need To Track Diners’ Info As Part of Reopening Requirements

If you choose to go out to eat at a restaurant in Washington, you will have to give the restaurant your name, phone number and email to facilitate contact tracing. This is just one of the guidelines that restaurants must adopt before resuming dine-in services during “phase two” of Washington’s reopening plan. Eater Seattle reports: As announced previously, dining rooms can…

Independent scientists criticise UK government’s covid-19 approach

The UK government’s “stay alert” messaging, use of statistics and outsourcing of coronavirus contact tracing have been criticised by an independent science committee Source:…

Bluetooth may not work well enough to trace coronavirus contacts

An experiment reveals how difficult it is to use Bluetooth on phones to determine if people have been in close enough contact to spread the coronavirus Source:…