Scientists Partly Revive Dead Pigs’ Brains

Making us question what it means to be alive, and the boundaries of animal testing.Source:…

When Your Time Is Up: Dead Or Deadish?

One of the most confounding things about zombies is how, after death, they are able to retain at least a few of their basic functions, even though they are technically dead. But, what exactly is death? While that may sound like a strange question, it is not. For the most part, death is defined as… Read more » Source:…

The Mysterious Moss Man of Florida

The thick swamps of Florida can be a spooky place to say the least, their tangles of cypress trees, vines, and brush clouded with mosquitoes and infested by all manner of insects and snakes, the murky, muddy waters prowled by alligators lying in wait for the unwary. When the sun goes down the swamp comes… Read more » Source:…

‘Partly Alive’: Scientists Revive Cells in Brains From Dead Pigs

In a study that raises profound questions about the line between life and death, researchers have restored some cellular activity to brains removed from slaughtered pigs. From a report: The brains did not regain anything resembling consciousness: There were no signs indicating coordinated electrical signaling, necessary for higher functions like awareness and intelligence. But in an experimental treatment, blood vessels…

Scientists: We kept pig brains alive 10 hours after death. Bioethicists: “Holy shit.”

Scientists hooked 32 dead pig brains up to a machine to revive them. And it worked. Around 15 minutes after a mammal’s brain is cut off from oxygen, the organ is supposed to die. Without life-giving oxygen, the cells of the brain quickly starve. Some of the cells burst open, while the chemistry of others… Continue reading Scientists: We kept pig brains alive 10 hours after death. Bioethicists: “Holy shit.”

The Ground Rules of Life & Existence

Jed Shlackman – Have you ever considered the idea that you create your own personal reality? Source:…

5 Simple Ways to Change Your Life With the Law of Attraction

Heather Mathews – Starting today, you can apply these five tips to create ripples of change in your life. Source:…

Revisiting Joseph Campbell: The Power of Myth

Richard Smoley, New Dawn Waking Times Perhaps myth first arose out of the answers parents give to their children’s questions. Many of these are unanswerable: Why is water wet? Why is fire hot? Where does everything come from? Who is God? Because people like to tell stories, it makes sense that parents would make up… Continue reading Revisiting Joseph Campbell: The Power of Myth

The Path to Liberating Humanity is the Same as the Path to Liberating the Individual

Caitlin Johnstone, Contributor Waking Times The path to enlightenment is the process of becoming clearly aware of all the different aspects of the way you operate inside, which enables you to relate to life as it’s actually appearing instead of through the filters of old conditioned mental habits. The path to the liberation of our… Continue reading The Path to Liberating Humanity is the Same as the Path to Liberating the Individual