Mob destroys monolith over ‘Illuminati’ fears

A metallic monolith that appeared in the Democratic Republic of Congo has been torched by a mob. The mysterious 12ft metal structure, which appeared o… Source:…

Ebola outbreak in the DRC ended thanks to vaccine distribution efforts

The 11th outbreak of Ebola virus in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has ended after six months. Ultra-cold devices for vaccine distribution played a key role, and could help with the coronavirus pandemic Source:…

Can Tesla Build Cheaper Electric Cars With Advanced (and Cobalt-Free) Batteries?

“One of the main reasons we’re not all driving electric vehicles is the price,” argues a transportation writer in Forbes — explaining how Tesla hopes to finally change that: The company is placing a huge bet on rechargeable battery technology that doesn’t use cobalt. This is one of the main elements making lithium ion batteries so expensive. It’s also fraught with…

Amazon Will Pay $135,000 To Settle Alleged US Sanction Violations

In a statement (PDF) issued this week, the U.S. Treasury Department notes that Amazon has agreed to pay $134,523 to settle potential liability over alleged sanctions violations. TechCrunch reports: The charges specifically pertain to goods and services sent to people located in Crimea, Iran and Syria, which are covered by Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctions, between November 2011 and…

Saharan-fed sunsets in the US

A massive Saharan dust plume is moving into the southeast US, bringing technicolor sunsets and suppressing tropical storms. Source:…

Democratic Republic of the Congo gears up to fight 11th Ebola outbreak

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is using vaccinations, contact tracing and mobile handwashing stations to combat its latest Ebola outbreak, the 11th since the virus was first discovered in 1976 Source:…

New Ebola Outbreak Declared in Congo City That Last Saw the Virus in 2018

Congo’s health minister confirmed the discovery of a new Ebola case in the country’s Equateur province, which last saw an outbreak of the highly deadly virus in 2018, ultimately killing 33 people there. From a report: The province’s governor, Bobo Boloko Bolumbu, spoke on national radio earlier on Monday, saying there were five likely cases and that four of those infected…

A Virus-Hunter Falls Prey To a Virus He Underestimated

Peter Piot, 71, one of the giants of Ebola and AIDS research, is still battling a coronavirus infection that hit him “like a bus” in March. From a report:”This is the revenge of the viruses,” said Dr. Peter Piot, the director of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. “I’ve made their lives difficult. Now they’re trying to get me.”…