Bryan Lunduke Explains Why Linux Sucks in 2020

Roblimo once called it “a tradition, not just a speech” — Bryan Lunduke’s annual “Linux Sucks” presentations at various Linux conferences. But before you get too upset, in his 2014 interview with Slashdot Lunduke admitted “I love Linux, I have made my whole life around Linux. I work for Linux companies. I write for Linux magazines, but it really blows…” This…

Why Remote Work Is So Hard — and How It Can Be Fixed

Cal Newport, writing at the New Yorker: Technological transitions often stumble when we expect them to sprint. In 1989, the Stanford economist Paul David wanted to understand why so many companies were so slow to adopt computer technology; for historical perspective, he turned to the history of the electric dynamo, which had been invented around a hundred years before, and which,…

Ask Slashdot: Are Virtual Or In-Person Developer Conferences ‘Better’?

Long-time Slashdot reader theodp writes: Microsoft Build kicks off online Tuesday as a free virtual event after plans for an in-person Seattle conference with a $2,395 entry fee and 6,000 or so attendees were shelved due to the coronavirus outbreak. It is just one of many large in-person developer conferences that were canceled in response to the pandemic. While the deep-pocketed…

In-Person DEF CON 28 Event Is Canceled

Annual Las Vegas hacker gathering DEF CON has officially called off its physical conference for this year due to the coronavirus pandemic. The Register reports: In what was pretty much a foregone conclusion, the organizing team today said the in-person event would not be held in 2020. It had been slated to take place in August. This comes after the more…

Curiosity keeps rolling as team operates Mars rover from home

The NASA Curiosity mission team is keeping the rover moving and working on the surface of Mars while they #stayathome. Find out how they’re managing it. Source:…

SpaceX Bans Zoom Over Privacy Concerns

Elon Musk’s rocket company SpaceX has banned its employees from using video conferencing app Zoom, citing “significant privacy and security concerns,” according to a memo seen by Reuters, days after U.S. law enforcement warned users about the security of the popular app. From a report: SpaceX’s ban on Zoom Video illustrates the mounting challenges facing aerospace manufacturers as they develop technology…

As Coronavirus Spreads, 6 San Francisco-Area Counties Ordered To Shelter In Place

Six counties in the San Francisco Bay Area will be placed under a shelter-in-place directive by public health officials in a bid to slow the spread of the coronavirus, a move that will close virtually all businesses and direct residents to remain at home for the next three weeks. Los Angeles Times reports: San Mateo Mayor Joe Goethals said he believed…

Social distancing: What it is and why it’s the best tool to fight coronavirus

With no vaccines or treatments, the fight against coronavirus comes down to this behavioral technique. A physician explains how it works. Source:…

Are Virtual Conferences Better Than Real-World Conferences?

Fast Company’s Mark Sullivan argues that cancelling this year’s tech conferences could have a silver lining — by encouraging a movement toward virtual conferences: There are developers across the U.S. and around the world who get shut out when the conferences get sold out. Even more of them simply can’t afford the admission fee (last year’s WWDC was $1599) and travel…

MWC Hangs by a Thread After Nokia, Vodafone, DT and Other Big Names Back Out

More big names are stepping away from the world’s biggest phone and telecom trade fair, they announced today, prompting the organizers to urgently decide what they wish to do going forward. From a report: Nokia, one of the omnipresent firms at major tech trade conferences, won’t be attending this year’s Mobile World Congress, it said Wednesday citing health and safety concerns…