ASU’s Dr. Partha Dasgupta on the Biggest Stories in Cryptography

Cryptography is an essential practice for our data-driven world. In this Q&A, Dr. Partha Dasgupta, an Associate Professor at Arizona State University (ASU) with experience at DARPA, shares some of his insights on the state of cryptography. For computer science students, the ASU Online Master of Computer Science (MCS) degree is an opportunity to learn […]
The post ASU’s Dr. Partha Dasgupta…

Nanocomponent is a quantum leap for Danish physicists

University of Copenhagen researchers have developed a nanocomponent that emits light particles carrying quantum information. Less than one-tenth the width of a human hair, the miniscule component makes it possible to scale up and could ultimately reach the capabilities required for a quantum computer or quantum internet. The research result puts Denmark at the head of the pack in the quantum…

Engineers Develop Colorful Printed Patch That Hides People From AI

A group of engineers from the University of KU Leuven in Belgium have come up with a solution to make users invisible to one specific algorithm. “In a paper shared last week on the preprint server arXiv, these students show how simple printed patterns can fool an AI system that’s designed to recognize people in images,” reports The Verge. From the…

US Farmers Are Being Bled By the Tractor Monopoly

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bloomberg: As tractors become as complex as Teslas, agricultural equipment manufacturers and their authorized dealerships are using technology as an excuse to force farmers to use the authorized service center — and only the authorized service center — for repairs. That’s costing farmers — and independent repair shops — dearly. John Nauerth III, a…

Edward Snowden Explains Why the CIA Just Made an Instagram

“They get Twitter accounts. Instagram accounts (with) puppies and everything like that, because they want to be friendly. They want to be on your side.”Source:…

Are We Sacrificing Too Much For Automation?

Fast Company shares an essay from an anthropologist who researches human agency, algorithms, AI, and automation in the context of social systems: With the advent of computational tools for quantitative measurement and metrics, and the development of machine learning based on the big data developed by those metrics, organizations, Amazon among them, started to transition through a period of what I…

More Than 23 Million People Use the Password ‘123456’

Bearhouse shares a new study from the UK’s “National Cyber Security Centre,” which advises the public on computer security, about the world’s most-frequently cracked passwords. It’s probably no surprise to the Slashdot readership: people use bad passwords. A recent study of publicly-available “hacked” accounts — by the UK National Cyber Security Centre — reveals “123456” was top, followed by the much…

Closest rocky exoplanets could support life

Intense UV radiation from red dwarf stars was thought to make potentially habitable exoplanets unable to support life. But a new study of the 4 nearest rocky worlds suggests otherwise. Source:…

‘Pi VizuWall’ Is a Beowulf Cluster Built With Raspberry Pi’s

Why would someone build their own Beowulf cluster — a high-performance parallel computing prototype — using 12 Raspberry Pi boards? It’s using the standard Beowulf cluster architecture found in about 88% of the world’s largest parallel computing systems, with an MPI (Message Passing Interface) system that distributes the load over all the nodes. Matt Trask, a long-time computer engineer now completing…