3 key moments from the House’s first-ever Medicare-for-all hearing

Source: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/4/30/18523886/medicare-for-all-house-hearing-ady-barkan-testimony…

Predator Cops, Guilty of Sex Crimes Against Women and Children, Are a Menace to Society

John W. Whitehead – How could this be happening right under our noses? Source: https://www.wakingtimes.com/2019/04/30/predator-cops-guilty-of-sex-crimes-against-women-and-children-are-a-menace-to-society/…

What is a developer journal?

One of the best parts of working in computer science is that our jobs center on solving problems. While many of us joke that continually struggling to figure things out is frustrating, we do it because there is nothing quite like that feeling of finding a solution. Then, of course, the momentary euphoria ends, and we move onto the next problem.


Why Big-Data Science Depends on Skilled Data Engineers

As the field of data science matures, a distinct specialization is emerging: data engineering. Tech giants like Facebook, Amazon, and Google recognize the value of data engineers relative to data scientists. That’s why they’re targeting candidates with skills to build critical infrastructure like data pipelines and warehouses. The best computer science degrees keep up with […]
The post Why Big-Data Science Depends…

Bringing Computers to Life

The new BSc in Computer Science will offer students the opportunity to learn core computing skills and apply those skills to any area or subject they feel passionate about. Music, art, sociology, education: the possibilities are endless. Through exciting project-based learning, the course encourages students to express themselves creatively and develop new links between technology […]
The post Bringing Computers to Life…

Let’s Take A Second to Admire Sci-Fi User Interfaces

Computer interfaces in the real world are, generally, frustrating, boring, and at best functional. No one has great joy in using Google Chrome, and everyone is always mad at whatever update Twitter is rolling out. But in sci-fi? In science fiction, user interfaces aren’t just useful. They’re the coolest shit imaginable…Read more…Source: https://io9.gizmodo.com/lets-take-a-second-to-admire-sci-fi-user-interfaces-1834354325…

Earning Your Degree Doesn’t Mean Putting Your Life On Hold

Online degrees give everyone a chance at a high-quality education that fits their lifestyle Programs such as the University of Illinois iMBA, delivered entirely online through Coursera, give students from all walks of life the opportunity to earn a graduate degree at their own pace and at lower cost. Patricia Ribiero Peña is a new […]
The post Earning Your Degree Doesn’t…

How Online Computer Science Degrees Can Solve the On-Campus CS Crunch

Computer science (CS) degrees are in demand — and for good reason. Jobs that rely on CS skills are growing fast in exciting fields like artificial intelligence, data science, and biotech. Many of these career paths offer six-figure salaries straight out of school.   Unfortunately, a recent story in The New York Times highlights growing […]
The post How Online Computer Science…

Coursera Turns 7: Celebrate With Us!

Back in April 2012, Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng launched Coursera to enable anyone, anywhere to transform their life through learning. Seven years ago, we couldn’t have imagined where we’d be today: connecting 40 million learners around the globe with the world’s greatest thinkers, educators, and institutions. A lot has happened since 2012. We admire […]
The post Coursera Turns 7: Celebrate…

The Feds Are Dropping Child Porn Cases Instead of Revealing Their Surveillance Systems

SonicSpike shares a report from Reason: The Department of Justice has been dismissing child pornography cases in order to not reveal information about the software programs used as the basis for the charges. An array of cases suggest serious problems with the tech tools used by federal authorities. But the private entities who developed these tools won’t submit them for independent…