The Unpopular Sprint, T-Mobile Merger Looks Increasingly Doomed

Regulators aren’t sold on the companies’ claims that fewer competitors means more competition and lower prices. Source:…

Machine Learning Identifies Weapons in the Christchurch Attack Video. We Know, We Tried It

It took 29 minutes for a Facebook user to first report the livestream of the Christchurch terrorist. Now a machine learning system spots weapons in the stream with an over 90 percent confidence rating. Source:…

Women suffer needless pain because almost everything is designed for men

Why women are 50 percent more likely to be misdiagnosed after a heart attack and 17 percent more likely to die in a car crash. In the 1983 movie Yentl, the title character, played by Barbra Streisand, pretends to be a man to get the education she wants. She has to change the way she… Continue reading Women suffer needless pain because almost everything is designed for men

6 Ways to Use Your Smartphone More Wisely

Sofia Adamson – Instead of mindlessly staying glued to your screen, consider limiting the use of your smartphone to only these features and apps. Source:…

F.D.A. Halts U.S. Sales of Pelvic Mesh, Citing Safety Concerns for Women

Boston Scientific and Coloplast were the last two companies selling the medical devices, which have resulted in nearly $8 billion in settlements. Source:…

Apple, Qualcomm Settle Royalty Dispute

Apple and Qualcomm have settled their royalty dispute, the companies said on Tuesday. From a report: The settlement includes a payment from Apple to Qualcomm as well as a chipset supply agreement, suggesting that future iPhone may use Qualcomm chips. The two companies started proceedings in a trial in federal court in San Diego on Monday, which was expected to…

What DNA ancestry tests can — and can’t — tell you

I took a DNA ancestry test. It didn’t tell me where my ancestors came from. At-home DNA ancestry tests have become hugely popular in recent years. More than 26 million have taken one, and if the kits’ marketing is to be believed, the tests can help you learn where your DNA comes from — and… Continue reading What DNA ancestry tests can — and can’t — tell you

Samsung Chips Will Get Faster and Easier on Your Battery in 2020

Processor progress is harder to come by these days, but Samsung says it’ll build chips next year that will give you a bit more battery life or a little more speed. From a report: Through improvements charted by Moore’s Law, chip electronic components called transistors get steadily smaller. On Monday, Samsung said it’s taken the next step along the Moore’s…

A new study finds the opioid epidemic has led to tens of billions in lost tax revenue

It’s already the deadliest drug overdose crisis in US history. But it’s also affecting the economy and budgets. The opioid epidemic cost the federal government $26 billion in lost tax revenue between 2000 and 2016, and state governments $11.8 billion, according to a new study published in Medical Care. The study combines previous research and… Continue reading A new study finds the opioid epidemic has led to tens of billions in lost tax revenue

Modern Monetary Theory, explained

A very detailed walkthrough of the big new left economic idea. Modern Monetary Theory is having a moment. The theory, in brief, argues that countries that issue their own currencies can never “run out of money” the way people or businesses can. But what was once an obscure “heterodox” branch of economics has now become… Continue reading Modern Monetary Theory, explained