Ajit Pai is Officially Out of the FCC

Ajit Pai, the man who killed net neutrality, enacted a series of industry-friendly deregulatory moves for big telecom, and drank from a gigantic mug, is no longer around to terrorize the internet. The FCC confirmed to Motherboard that Pai is officially gone: “Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai today concluded his four years as Chairman, eight years as a Commissioner, and…

In Letters To Senate, Wireless Carriers Downplay Their Latest Location Data Scandal

Carriers insist location data scams are rare and they do their best to police them. Government investigators may want to confirm that claim.Source: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/43jdqn/in-letters-to-senate-wireless-carriers-downplay-their-latest-location-data-scandal…

The Unpopular Sprint, T-Mobile Merger Looks Increasingly Doomed

Regulators aren’t sold on the companies’ claims that fewer competitors means more competition and lower prices. Source: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/zmpvxy/the-unpopular-sprint-t-mobile-merger-looks-increasingly-doomed…

House Votes to Save Net Neutrality

The House today voted 232-190 to approve the Save The Internet Act, a bill that would fully restore both the FCC’s 2015 net neutrality rules and the agency’s authority to protect broadband consumers from the bad behavior of telecom giants. The restored rules would ban ISPs from blocking, throttling, or otherwise impeding internet services they… Continue reading House Votes to Save Net Neutrality

5G May Never Live up to the Hype

To hear wireless carriers tell it, fifth-generation (5G) wireless is going to change the world. Verizon, for example, insists the technology is part of a “fourth industrial revolution” heralding the smart cities of tomorrow. Others have claimed 5G will do everything from revolutionize rural telemedicine to have us all working a 4-day work week in… Continue reading 5G May Never Live up to the Hype

A Cell Phone Carrier Breaks With Big Telecom, Announces Support for Right to Repair Legislation

Big tech has spent years fighting legislation that would make it easier for consumers to repair their own electronic devices. Though they generally don’t manufacture any electronics, mobile carriers have joined the likes of Apple, Microsoft, and John Deere and have lobbied against right to repair legislation through the CTIA, a trade organization that represents… Continue reading A Cell Phone Carrier Breaks With Big Telecom, Announces Support for Right to Repair Legislation