What You Didn’t Know About the Apollo 11 Mission

“From JFK’s real motives to the Soviets’ secret plot to land on the Moon at the same time, a new behind-the-scenes view of an unlikely triumph 50 years ago,” writes schwit1 sharing a new article from Smithsonian magazine titled “What You Didn’t Know About the Apollo 11 Mission.” It’s an excerpt from the recently-released book ONE GIANT LEAP: The Impossible Mission…

Today in 2003: Opportunity blasts off to Mars

NASA’s Opportunity rover spent some 15 years exploring Mars. It surpassed all expectations for its endurance and longevity, to become one of the most successful planetary missions. Then it went silent. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/this-date-in-science-nasa-rover-opportunity-blasts-off-to-mars…

Group of Biologists Tries To Bury the Idea That Plants Are Conscious

Frustrated by more than a decade of research which claims to reveal intentions, feelings and even consciousness in plants, more traditionally minded botanists have finally snapped. Plants, they protest, are emphatically not conscious. From a report: The latest salvo in the plant consciousness wars has been fired by US, British and German biologists who argue that practitioners of “plant neurobiology” have…

Air Force Accidentally Dropped Dummy Bombs On Florida After Hitting a Bird

Three dummy bombs have been accidentally dropped over Florida on July 1st. “The incident is suspected to have happened at around 1:15 p.m. about 54 miles southwest of Moody Air Force Base about a mile-and-a-quarter west of Highway 129 near Suwannee Springs,” reports The Epoch Times, citing a media release by the Moody Air force Base in Central Georgia. From the…

Seals remember what they just did – but only for about 18 seconds

Seals and sea lions can repeat their last action on command, as long as they are asked to do so within 18 seconds , hinting at a degree of self-awareness Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2208530-seals-remember-what-they-just-did-but-only-for-about-18-seconds/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

Security Flaws In a Popular Smart Home Hub Let Hackers Unlock Front Doors

In new research published Tuesday, security researchers Chase Dardaman and Jason Wheeler found three security flaws which, when chained together, could be abused to open a front door with a smart lock. TechCrunch reports: Dardaman and Wheeler began looking into the ZipaMicro, a popular smart home hub developed by Croatian firm Zipato, some months ago, but only released their findings once…

Would You Pay $30 a Month To Check Your Email?

The year is 2019, and the brainy engineers of Silicon Valley are hunkered down, working on transformative, next-generation technologies like self-driving cars, digital currencies and quantum computing. Meanwhile, the buzziest start-up in San Francisco is … an expensive email app? From a report: A few months ago, I started hearing about something called Superhuman. It’s an invitation-only service that costs $30…