Astronomers spy a 2nd interstellar visitor

Astronomers think the object they’ve labeled C/2019 Q4 – discovered August 30 – came from a place far, far away. If confirmed, it’s only the 2nd interstellar object ever detected, after ‘Oumuamua in 2017. Source:…

Astronomers Have Spotted An Interstellar Comet Flying Toward Earth

A comet first spotted by a Ukrainian amateur astronomer looks to be just the second known object to visit our cosmic neighborhood from beyond the solar system. What could be an even bigger deal is the fact that this one was discovered as it’s still approaching us. CNET reports: The comet was found by Gennady Borisov of Crimea on Aug. 30,…

We may have spotted an interstellar comet flying toward Earth

Astronomers have found a comet that seems to have come from beyond our solar system, which would make it the second interstellar object that we’ve ever spotted Source:…

We may have spotted an interstellar comet flying towards Earth

Astronomers have found a comet that seems to have come from beyond our solar system, which would make it the second interstellar object that we’ve ever spotted Source:…

What asteroid Ryugu told us

The Hayabusa2 mission has confirmed that – if asteroid Ryugu or a similar asteroid were to come dangerously close to Earth – we’d need to take care in trying to divert it, lest it break up into fragments that might then impact Earth. Source:…

Short Film ‘The Comet’ Uses Real Images From ESA’s Rosetta Space Probe

Launched in 2004, the ESA’s Rosetta space probe spent 10 years flying to the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67p), circled it for two years, and then culminated its mission with a controlled hard landing. Now video artist Christian Stangl and composer Wolfgang Stangl have teamed up to create The Comet, a 3 minute 25 second movie made from digitally-enhanced footage derived from the…

By continuously watching the moon, we could detect interstellar meteorites

When “Oumuamua crossed Earth’s orbit on October 19th, 2017, it became the first interstellar object ever to be observed by humans. These and subsequent observations, rather than dispelling the mystery of “Oumuamua’s true nature, only deepened it. The debate raged about whether it was an asteroid or a comet, with some even suggesting it could be an extraterrestrial solar sail. Source:…

Arecibo gets $19M grant to find and study NEOs

NEOs are near-Earth objects, asteroids and small comets that sweep near Earth and have the potential to cause harm. Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico has, since the 1990s, been finding about 60 to 120 of these objects every year. Source:…