Coming to a sky near you: Comet SWAN at its best

Comet C/2020 F8 (SWAN), perhaps the brightest comet we will see this year, is at its best from now until mid-June. It should be visible in from the UK in the northwestern sky after sunset, close to the horizon. Source:…

Here’s how SOHO and a skywatcher discovered Comet SWAN

Almost every day, the SWAN instrument aboard the sun-watching SOHO spacecraft makes a map of the sky. Anyone with internet access them maps and join the search for new comets. To date, 12 comets have been spotted in the SWAN data! Source:…

Will you see Comet SWAN?

Another comet – Comet SWAN – is creating a buzz. There’ve been some amazing long-exposure photos of it. Will you be able to see it? Maybe, but conditions are challenging. Charts and more here. Source:…

The discovery of Comet SWAN by solar-watcher SOHO

Currently crossing the skies above Earth, Comet C/2020 F8 (SWAN) has the potential to become a more prominent naked eye object by late May or early June. Yet it wasn’t discovered by someone looking up at the night sky. Instead, the person was looking at a computer screen. Source:…

Comet Swan Is Visible To the Naked Eye and Passing By Earth Tonight

Comet Swan could deliver on the promise of a rare night sky show that Comet Atlas failed to provide. “Already, Swan could be visible to those with exquisitely dark skies and sharp eyes,” reports CNET. “Others might also be able to spot it with binoculars.” From the report: Astronomer Con Stoitsis said some predictions show the comet continuing to brighten in…