Does Facebook Have a Joe Biden Problem?

Last week the Democratic party took control of all three branches of the U.S. government — and the BBC’s North America technology reporter notes they dislike Facebook even more now than during the Cambridge Analytica scandal: Since then, Democrats — Joe Biden included — have been appalled by what Facebook has allowed on its platform. Talking to a CNN anchor in…

Opinion: Biden administration must act fast to save migratory birds

On Trump’s way out of the White House, his administration demolished a law that protects migratory birds, putting over 1,000 species at risk. The Biden administration can still salvage it, but only if they act swiftly. Source:…

Korean Artificial Sun Sets the New World Record of 20-Sec-Long Operation At 100 Million Degrees

The Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research(KSTAR), a superconducting fusion device also known as the Korean artificial sun, set the new world record as it succeeded in maintaining the high temperature plasma for 20 seconds with an ion temperature over 100 million degrees. Phys.Org reports: On November 24 (Tuesday), the KSTAR Research Center at the Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (KEF) announced…

America’s Top Court Strikes Down Covid-19 Restriction On Religious Groups

DevNull127 writes: Earlier this year the governor’s order had “restricted the size of religious gatherings in certain areas of New York where infection rates were climbing,” reports the New York Times. But Wednesday night (in a close 5 to 4 decision) America’s highest court ruled against the governor — and in favor of two religious organizations challenging him. “[T]hey tell us…

Masks are Effective, Despite One Flawed Study From Denmark

“I think the overwhelming body of evidence suggests that masks are effective,” the lead author of a study recently cited by America’s Center for Disease Control told the Washington Post. They were responding to another (very controversial) outlier study whose findings “conflict with those from a number of other studies,” according to the New York Times, citing numerous experts. “Critics were…

IBM Apologizes For Firing Computer Pioneer For Being Transgender… 52 Years Later

On August 29, 1968, IBM’s CEO fired computer scientist and transgender pioneer Lynn Conway to avoid the public embarrassment of employing a transwoman. Nearly 52 years later, in an act that defines its present-day culture, IBM is apologizing and seeking forgiveness. Jeremy Alicandri writes via Forbes reports: On January 2, 1938, Lynn Conway’s life began in Mount Vernon, NY. With a…

Scientists discover ancient lake bed deep beneath Greenland ice

The ancient lake bed, sealed more than a mile under Greenland ice, may be hundreds of thousands or millions of years old, and contain unique fossil and chemical traces of past climates and life. Source:…

How Jupiter’s moon Io gets its hellish atmosphere

Hot, active volcanoes produce almost half of Jupiter’s moon Io’s sulfur atmosphere, according to new observations using the ALMA telescope. The rest comes from cold sulfur deposits that freeze on the surface, then sublimate in sunlight. Source:…

No, Mouthwash Will Not Save You From the Coronavirus

You may have noticed a rash of provocative headlines this week suggesting that mouthwash can “inactivate” coronaviruses and help curb their spread. While the news is based on a new study from researchers at the Penn State College of Medicine, it’s important to note that the study focused on a coronavirus that causes common colds — not the one that causes…

The World’s First Carbon Dioxide Removal Law Database

Today, researchers at Columbia University launched the world’s first database of carbon dioxide removal laws, providing an annotated bibliography of legal materials related to carbon dioxide removal and carbon sequestration and use. It is publicly available at Phys.Org reports: The site has 530 resources on legal issues related to carbon dioxide removal, including such techniques as: direct air capture; enhanced…