Astronomers are still reeling from the loss of iconic Arecibo radio telescope

The collapse of the iconic radio telescope at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico last month has left astronomers with a host of questions about what went wrong and what comes next. Source:

Japan To Phase Out Gasoline-Powered Cars, Bucking Toyota Chief

Japan said it planned to stop the sale of new gasoline-powered cars by the mid-2030s, bucking criticism by Toyota’s chief that a hasty shift to electric vehicles could cripple the car industry. From a report: The plan released Friday followed similar moves by the state of California and major European nations, but it has faced resistance from car executives in a…

Dramatic images of erupting Kilauea volcano in Hawaii

Overnight on Sunday, USGS reported lava fountains that shot nearly 165 feet into the sky from a fissure on the eastern side of Kilauea volcano in Hawaii. Lava has replaced the water that was in the basin of the crater, and a new lava lake was formed. Source:…

China is opening the world’s largest radio telescope up to international scientists

Following the collapse of the historic Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, China has opened the biggest radio telescope in the world up to international scientists. Source:

The Large Magellanic Cloud, our galactic neighbor

The Large Magellanic Cloud is a petite galaxy visible with the unaided eye – all year round – for those in the Southern Hemisphere. This small neighboring galaxy to the Milky Way is somewhere between spiral and irregular in shape. Source:…

Ancient Egyptian hoard of counterfeit ‘dirty money’ unearthed

A shortage of silver caused by the collapse of leading Bronze Age civilizations around the eastern Mediterranean about 1200 BC resulted in the original “dirty money” — several hundreds of years before coins had been invented. Source:

Puerto Rican scientists mourn loss of Arecibo Observatory’s iconic telescope

In a year full of terrible new sorrows and burdens, the collapse of Arecibo Observatory’s iconic radio telescope feels like a particularly brutal loss to Puerto Ricans. Source:

Footage shows collapse of Arecibo observatory

Drones that were investigating the facility at the time managed to capture its catastrophic collapse on camera. The final destruction of the iconic fa… Source:…

Puerto Rico’s Arecibo Observatory ‘not closing’ after collapse

Puerto Rico’s Arecibo Observatory could still have a future after its vast telescope dramatically collapsed this week, US officials said Thursday. Source:…