Bill Gates On the Difference Between Elon Musk and Steve Jobs

In an interview with Bloomberg, Bill Gates was asked whether his contemporary Elon Musk could be considered the “next Steve Jobs,” due to the advancements his companies Tesla and SpaceX have made in electric cars and reusable rockets, respectively. CNBC reports: “If you know people personally, that kind of gross oversimplification seems strange,” Gates told Bloomberg in the interview published Thursday….

Twitter Hack Zoom Court Hearing Interrupted by Loud Music and Porn

From a report: A judge was forced to suspend the virtual bond hearing of the 17-year-old accused of being the “mastermind” behind the recent massive Twitter hack, after several people got into the Zoom meeting posing as CNN and BBC staffers and played loud music and even a porn video. Multiple reporters who attended the hearing via Zoom on Wednesday confirmed…

Dark energy: map gives clue about what it is – but deepens dispute about the cosmic expansion rate

Dark energy is one of the greatest mysteries in science today. We know very little about it, other than it is invisible, it fills the whole universe, and it pushes galaxies away from each other. This is making our cosmos expand at an accelerated rate. But what is it? One of the simplest explanations is that it is a “cosmological constant”—a…

Are the Earth’s magnetic poles about to swap places?

Earth’s previous polar reversal happened 780,000 years ago. Are we facing another one soon? Hear from the authors of a new study, on a strange anomaly that might be a clue. Source:…

Robinhood Changes Trading App After 20-Year-Old’s Suicide

CNBC reports on the odd circumstances around the suicide of 20-year-old college student options trader Alex Kearns:
It was less than 24 hours after Alex had checked his account at the wildly popular trading app, Robinhood. In his note, he said he thought he had quickly racked up a negative $730,165 cash balance. But Alex may have misunderstood the Robinhood financial statement,…

What is the Big Bang?

In the view of modern cosmologists, the Big Bang is the event that marked the birth of our universe. Source:…

Did ancient Mars have rings?

A new study of Mars’ smallest moon Deimos, by scientists from the SETI Institute and Purdue University, suggests that the planet used to have rings a few billion years ago. Source:…

Has mystery of universe’s missing matter been solved?

Cosmologists have only been able to find half the matter that should exist in the universe. With the discovery of a new astronomical phenomenon and new telescopes, these researchers say they’ve just found the rest. Source:…