Men who are bad at public speaking can get help from a virtual clone

Observing a virtual version of yourself delivering a speech well can improve your public speaking skills – but only if you’re male, and not already very good at public speaking Source:…

AlmaLinux Releases Beta of Their CentOS/RHEL 8 Fork

AlmaLinux describes itself as “an open-source, community-driven project that intends to fill the gap left by the demise of the CentOS stable release.” And now AlmaLinux “has announced their beta release of their CentOS/RHEL 8 fork,” writes Slashdot reader juniorkindergarten. AlmaLinux will be getting $1 million a year in development funding from CloudLinux (the company behind CloudLinux OS, a CentOS clone…

Clash and Byte, Two of TikTok’s Competitors, Are Merging

Yesterday, Clash announced it was acquiring Byte, a short-form video app launched by Vine cofounder Dom Hofmann. The announcement comes “at a time when TikTok itself now appears to be here to stay,” reports CNN. From the report: Dubsmash, another TikTok competitor with a similar algorithmic feed serving up entertaining videos, was acquired last month by Reddit. Meanwhile, Adam Mosseri, the…

Thousands of Users Unknowingly Joined Signal Because of a 12-Year-Old’s App

“At least 10,000 Signal users can be attributed to a 12-year-old kid in India who created a somewhat popular clone of the encrypted chat app,” reports Motherboard: Dev Sharma, a Signal user from Melbourne, Australia, found the Signal clone when he encountered an unusual thing: Signal displayed a pop-up showing that their friend had just joined the app. Sharma messaged their…

New Side-Channel Attack Can Recover Encryption Keys From Google Titan Security Keys

A duo of French security researchers has discovered a vulnerability impacting chips used inside Google Titan and YubiKey hardware security keys. From a report: The vulnerability allows threat actors to recover the primary encryption key used by the hardware security key to generate cryptographic tokens for two-factor authentication (2FA) operations. Once obtained, the two security researchers say the encryption key, an…

CloudLinux To Invest More Than a Million Dollars a Year Into CentOS Clone

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: When Red Hat, CentOS’s Linux parent company, announced it was “shifting focus from CentOS Linux, the rebuild of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), to CentOS Stream, which tracks just ahead of a current RHEL release,” it lost a lot of friends. CentOS co-founder, Gregory Kurtzer, immediately announced he’d create his own RHEL clone…

Ahsoka Tano Standalone Star Wars Series Coming To Disney Plus

Ahsoka Tano, the popular character from The Mandalorian, Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars: Rebels, is finally getting her own series starring Rosario Dawson. It’s set within the timeline for The Mandalorian and will debut on Disney Plus around Christmas of 2021. CNET reports: Disney revealed the news Thursday during an investor presentation, where the company also announced its…

Urban Explorers Discover A Treasure Trove Of Soviet Computing Power

“The building did not stand out. Unremarkable industrial building, which was built in hundreds of Soviet cities,” explains a web site called Russian Urban Exploration. Hackaday describes what happened next:
It’s probably a dream most of us share, to stumble upon a dusty hall full of fascinating abandoned tech frozen in time as though its operators walked away one day and simply…

Raspberry Pi Used To Hack Tesla Model X SUV Key Fob

Pig Hogger (Slashdot reader #10,379) writes: According to this Tom’s Hardware story, a Belgian PhD student managed to wrest full control of a Tesla Model X SUV, by way of hijacking the Bluetooth keyfob and reprogramming it, using a Raspberry Pi. Tesla has since issued a software update to protect against that kind of attack Since the attack is done via…