Japan’s Longest-Serving PM, Shinzo Abe, Resigns For Health Reasons

Late last night, it was rumored that Japan’s longest-serving prime minister, Shinzo Abe, would step down due to his struggle with ulcerative colitis. Abe confirmed the reports this morning, telling reporters that it was “gut wrenching” to leave many of his goals unfinished. He also apologized for stepping down during the pandemic. The Associated Press reports: Abe has had ulcerative colitis…

New Supercar Technology Does Away With Windshields

The Wall Street Journal reports on a new technology being developed by McLaren Technology Centre for its “Elva,” a multi-million dollar, 804-horsepower two-seat roadster. It doesn’t have a windshield… In place of a windscreen, Elva will debut a technology called Active Air Management System (AAMS). When engaged, it generates two air flows streaming over the cockpit: One glances off the low,…

Top tips for feeding wild birds

It’s OK to feed wild birds. Here are some tips for doing it the right way from a wildlife ecologist. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/top-tips-feeding-wild-birds…

A Long-Lost Legendary Roman Fruit Tree Has Been Grown From 2,000-Year-Old Seeds

“Scientists have cultivated plants from date palm seeds that languished in ancient ruins and caves for 2,000 years,” writes ScienceAlert. schwit1 shared their report: This remarkable feat confirms the long-term viability of the kernels once ensconced in succulent Judean dates, a fruit cultivar lost for centuries. The results make it an excellent candidate for studying the longevity of plant seeds. From…

New LG CEO Won’t Give Up on Smartphone Market, Promises Profitability by 2021

LG is still clinging to its dying smartphone business. The company’s new CEO, Kwon Bong-seok, (who was appointed just last month!) promised a return to profitability for LG’s mobile division by 2021. From a report: “LG Electronics’ mobile business is going to be profitable by 2021,” Kwon told The Korea Times. “I can say we can make that happen as LG…

Twenty years of discoveries changing story of human evolution

Archaeological discoveries are happening faster than ever before, helping refine the human story. Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/archaeological-discoveries-changing-story-of-human-evolution…

Do You Protect Your iPhone? It’s a Case Study That Divides Americans.

As smartphones balloon in price, some pushing past $1,000, there is a debate between case haves and case have-nots. One side says it makes absolutely no sense to ferry such expensive gadgets unprotected — especially one vital to modern living. From a report: Phone-case holdouts say their nervous pals are delusional, clinging to their bulky silicon prophylactics like a security blanket….

Pleiades star cluster, aka Seven Sisters

The Pleiades star cluster – aka the Seven Sisters or M45 – is visible from virtually every part of the globe. It looks like a tiny misty dipper of stars. Source: https://earthsky.org/favorite-star-patterns/pleiades-star-cluster-enjoys-worldwide-renown…