On Facebook and YouTube, Classical Musicians Are Getting Blocked or Muted

Michael Andor Brodeur, writing for The Washington Post: As covid-19 forces more and more classical musicians and organizations to shift operations to the Internet, they’re having to contend with an entirely different but equally faceless adversary: copyright bots. Or, more accurately, content identification algorithms dispatched across social media to scan content and detect illegal use of copyrighted recordings. You’ve encountered these…

Coronavirus: Radio Listening Booms While Music Streaming Stalls

People staying at home due to the coronavirus pandemic appear to be listening to more radio rather than music apps, figures suggest. The BBC reports: Global, which owns Capital FM and talk station LBC, said online radio listening had risen by 15%. The BBC said streaming of its radio stations had risen 18% since last week. Meanwhile, data from two US…

A Composer’s Final Work Contains ‘Visions’ of an American Master

The Seattle Symphony’s posthumous live premiere of George Walker’s Sinfonia No. 5 could be a game-changer for the pioneering composer’s legacy. Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/05/arts/music/george-walker-sinfonia-visions-seattle-symphony.html?partner=rss&emc=rss