Amazon and Facebook Staff Warned of Threats To Safety

Amazon and Facebook have warned staff about threats to their safety amid fears of a backlash against “big tech.” From a report: Amazon Web Services (AWS) employees were told to “be vigilant” after the firm removed Parler from its web-hosting service. The app is popular with some supporters of President Donald Trump. Facebook staff were also instructed not to wear company-branded…

Zuckerberg Acknowledges ‘Risk of Civil Unrest’ After US Elections, Promises Newsfeed Updates

ZDNet reports:
Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg told analysts on a conference call Thursday evening that the company plans to post notices at the top of users’ news feeds on November 3rd discrediting any claims by either candidate in the U.S. presidential election that they have won the election if the site deems the claim premature… The move, said Zuckerberg, is…

JPMorgan, Goldman Order Software ‘Code Freezes’ Around Election

Top banks, including JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs, are battening down their technology hatches for next week’s presidential election. From a report (paywalled): Around next Tuesday, the final day of voting, JPMorgan and Goldman will both halt software updates to the retail and investment banking systems their customers use to manage accounts, The Information has learned. It’s a precaution intended to…

Zuckerberg Warns of Post-Election Violence

Mark Zuckerberg tells “Axios on HBO” that Facebook is imposing new election rules to deter use of the platform to spread of misinformation and even violence, and to help voters see the results as “legitimate and fair.” From a report: The new measures, announced Thursday, include throwing a flag on posts by candidates who claim premature victory, and forbidding new ads…

Bridgefy, the Messenger Promoted For Mass Protests, Is a Privacy Disaster

Bridgefy, a popular messaging app for conversing with one another when internet connections are heavily congested or completely shut down, is a privacy disaster that can allow moderately-skilled hackers to take a host of nefarious actions against users, according to a paper published on Monday. The findings come after the company has for months touted the app as a safe and…

Chicago Police Department Arrest API Shutdown is Its Own Kind of ‘Cover Up’

Asraa Mustufa and David Eads, reporting for Chicago Reporter: With Chicago reeling this week from a bloody July 4 weekend that saw more than 80 shootings claim the lives of at least 17 people, including young children, police Superintendent David Brown doubled down on his approach to stemming the violence at a press conference Monday. “We must keep violent offenders in…

Anti-Racism Sites Hit By Wave of Cyberattacks

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the BBC: Cyber-attacks against anti-racism organizations shot up in the wake of the death of George Floyd, a leading provider of protection services says. Cloudflare, which blocks attacks designed to knock websites offline, says advocacy groups in general saw attacks increase 1,120-fold. Mr Floyd’s death, in police custody, has sparked nationwide civil unrest in…

George Floyd: Anonymous Hackers Reemerge Amid US Unrest

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the BBC: As the United States deals with widespread civil unrest across dozens of cities, “hacktivist” group Anonymous has returned from the shadows. The hacker collective was once a regular fixture in the news, targeting those it accused of injustice with cyber-attacks. After years of relative quiet, it appears to have re-emerged in the…

Twitter Will Ban Deepfakes and Other Manipulated Media That Could Cause ‘Serious Harm’

On Tuesday, Twitter announced changes to its synthetic and manipulated media policy, which it defines as any photo, audio, or video that’s been “significantly altered or fabricated” to mislead people or change the original meaning of the content. Under the new rules, Twitter will remove this kind of media if the company finds it likely to cause serious harm — such…