IBM is Deploying Its Watson AI to Help Governments Answer People’s Covid-19 Questions

Digital Trends reports:
IBM’s question-answering Watson A.I. is most famous for whooping the butt of human champions on quiz show Jeopardy. Now, IBM has repurposed its famous creation to help government agencies, health care organizations, and academic institutions around the world cope with the massive overload of questions that citizens have about the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the first time that Watson…

C.D.C. Weighs Advising Everyone To Wear a Mask

Widespread use of nonmedical masks could reduce community transmission. But recommending their broad use could also cause a run on the kind of masks that health care workers desperately need. From a report: Should healthy people be wearing masks when they’re outside to protect themselves and others? Both the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have…

Elon Musk Says Tesla’s New York Factory Will Make Ventilators ‘As Soon As Humanly Possible’

140Mandak262Jamuna writes: Elon Musk announced that the Gigafactory in Buffalo, New York, making solar roof tiles and battery packs for home energy storage is switching to making ventilators in collaboration with Medtronic. “Days after offering 1,255 free ventilators to help deal with the coronavirus outbreak, Tesla boss Elon Musk said the company’s New York factory will restart to make more,” reports…

Social Distancing Is Slowing Not Only COVID-19, But Other Diseases Too

“As governments around the world have pushed their citizens away from populated places to slow the spread of Covid-19, they may not have realized that they were also combatting other infectious diseases, such as the seasonal flu,” reports Quartz. The data comes from Kinsa Health, a company that collects anonymized thermometer readings from its active user base to estimate the share…

New York City Weighs Converting Hotels Into Hospitals For Patients Without Coronavirus

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Wall Street Journal: New York City is working with the hospitality industry to possibly convert entire hotels into hospitals for patients without the novel coronavirus, in an effort to increase capacity at medical facilities as the outbreak grows. The city’s emergency management commissioner, Deanne Criswell, said in an interview Wednesday that hotels could…

European Union Will Close External Borders For 30 Days To Slow Coronavirus Pandemic

German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced on Tuesday that European Union member nations will close EU’s external borders for 30 days to slow the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. CNBC reports: Movement of people within European Union member nations will be still be allowed under the restrictions. “The union and its member states will do whatever it takes,” said European Council President…

Coronavirus Causes a Bicycling Boom in New York City

An anonymous reader quotes the nonprofit environmental magazine Grist: On Sunday, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio unveiled a new set of guidelines for citizens hoping to help contain the burgeoning outbreak. They included working from home, if possible, avoiding subways during rush hour (a breeding ground for respiratory viruses), and walking or biking to work if possible to avoid…

Elon Musk’s Battery Farm Is an Undeniable Success

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Popular Mechanics: More than two years after winning an electricity bet, Elon Musk’s resulting Australian solar and wind farm is an almost total success. The facility powers rural South Australia, whose population density falls between Wyoming and Alaska, the two least dense U.S. states. In 2016, South Australia experienced a near total blackout after…

Spying Concerns Raised Over Iran’s Official COVID-19 Detection App

Catalin Cimpanu, reporting for ZDNet: Google has removed an Android app from the official Play Store that was developed by the Iranian government to test and keep track of COVID-19 (coronavirus) infections. Before being removed from the Play Store, controversy surrounded the app, and several users accused the Iranian government of using the COVID-19 scare to trick citizens into installing the…