‘Poltergeist’ movie curse endures 38 years on

On June 4th, 1982, this chilling cult-classic horror movie debuted to cinema audiences for the first time. Directed by Tobe Hooper and produced by Ste… Source: https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/337406/poltergeist-movie-curse-endures-38-years-on…

82-Year-Old Ridley Scott Shares Some Secrets About ‘Alien’

Ridley Scott was the fifth choice to direct the 1979 film Alien, remembers the Los Angeles Times, “meaning that no one was expecting the film to become as important and influential as it now is.” This week they chronicled some more remembrances about the film from 82-year-old Ridley Scott: The central role of Ellen Ripley — also portrayed by Sigourney Weaver…

AMC’s Stock Is Surging On Reports Amazon May Buy It

Today, shares of AMC are up 40% (recouping about 26% of their value lost since January) solely on an unconfirmed report from the Daily Mail that Amazon is interested in buying the global theater chain. “AMC’s market capitalization was about $427 million when the news broke, down from $752 million at the end of 2019,” adds Quartz. From the report: The…

Emulating ‘Trolls’, More Movies Try Bypassing Cinemas For On-Demand Releases

Trolls World Tour won’t be the last major-studio release to bypass movie theatres altogether. An anonymous reader quotes the Guardian:
Universal gets a greater cut of revenue from digital services than at the box office, which means the film has made the same amount of profit in its first three weeks as the first Trolls film did during its entire five-month run…

Amazon’s New ‘Prime Video Cinema’ Offers Movies Now Playing in Theaters

Amazon just launched “Prime Video Cinema,” which lets you buy and watch movies that are just now playing in theaters, reports CNET: Movies currently offered through the hub include Onward, The Hunt, The Invisible Man and Emma, although Onward is only available at the $18.49 purchase price, while the others are only available for rental at that same reduced price. They’ll…

Astrophysicists wear 3-D glasses to watch quasars

A team of researchers from Russia and Greece reports a way to determine the origins and nature of quasar light by its polarization. The new approach is analogous to the way cinema glasses produce a 3-D image by feeding each eye with the light of a particular polarization, either horizontal or vertical. The authors of the recent study in the Monthly…

Coronavirus: James Bond Postpones Release Date Because It’s No Time To Die

The release of upcoming James Bond film “No Time To Die” has been pushed back from April To November due to coronavirus fears. “The 25th installment in the storied spy franchise will commence its run on Nov. 12 in the U.K., followed by the U.S. on Nov. 25,” reports The Hollywood Reporter. “It was scheduled to open in North America on…

Filming of Matrix 4 Brings ‘Excitement, Some Damage’ to San Francisco

“It’s only been a few months since we learned that The Matrix 4 was actually a real movie that was going to actually happen, and was actually going to star Keanu Reeves, and now the movie is actually filming in San Francisco…” writes Cinema Blend. “However, making things real is apparently causing real damage in the city by the bay.” NBC…

Why Is ‘Birds of Prey’ Suffering at the Box Office?

The Warner Brothers/DC film Birds of Prey “is proving not to be the February box office success industry observers had hoped,” according to The Wrap: After grossing $13 million on Friday from 4,236 screens, the film is now estimated to earn an opening weekend of $34 million, which would be the lowest start for a DC Comics adaptation since the $5.3…

Ask Slashdot: What Will the 2020s Bring Us?

dryriver writes: The 2010s were not necessarily the greatest decade to live through. AAA computer games were not only DRM’d and internet tethered to death but became increasingly formulaic and pay-to-win driven, and poor quality console ports pissed off PC gamers. Forced software subscriptions for major software products you could previously buy became a thing. Personal privacy went out the window…