Police Use of DNA Leads To Backlash, Policy Change For GEDmatch

Police investigators have used popular online DNA databases to solve at least 50 open murder and rape cases, reports the Associated Press. But now, “complaints about invasion of privacy have produced a backlash, leading the Florida-based database known as GEDmatch to change its policies.”
The nonprofit website’s previous practice was to permit police to use its database only to solve homicides and…

Why Knights Fought Snails in Illuminated Medieval Manuscripts

The snail may leave a trail of slime behind him, but a little slime will do a man no harm… whilst if you dance with dragons, you must expect to burn. – George R. R. Martin, The Mystery Knight As any Game of Thrones fan knows, being a knight has its downsides. It isn’t all […]

Why Knights Fought Snails in Illuminated…

Elizabeth Cotten Wrote “Freight Train” at 11, Won a Grammy at 90, and Changed American Music In-Between

When I first moved to North Carolina, one of the first visits I made was to the little town of Carrboro. There sits a plaque on East Main commemorating Elizabeth “Libba” Cotton: “Key Figure. 1960s folk revival. Born and raised on Lloyd Street,” just west of Chapel Hill, in 1893. It’s an accurate-enough description of […]

Elizabeth Cotten Wrote “Freight Train” at…

Buddha Buzz Weekly: Paying Respects

Buddhists across the world pray for the Sri Lanka church-bombing victims and US senators pay a visit to Thich Nhat Hanh in Vietnam. Tricycle looks back at the events of this week in the Buddhist world.
The post Buddha Buzz Weekly: Paying Respects appeared first on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. Source: https://tricycle.org/trikedaily/sri-lanka-bombings/…

English Residents Prepare For The Spookiest Night Of The Year – St. Mark’s Eve

When asked what the spookiest night of the year is, most of us would say Halloween, but for the residents of several English villages, the scariest night of the year is April 24th – St. Mark’s Eve. According to legend, during that night people will be able see the ghosts of those who are about… Read more » Source: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/04/english-residents-prepare-for-the-spookiest-night-of-the-year-st-marks-eve/…

Sri Lanka Easter Sunday attacks: what we know

Source: https://www.vox.com/2019/4/21/18509739/sri-lanka-easter-sunday-attacks-what-we-know…

A Pagan Easter

Julian Rose – We don’t need a priest to divert us from the truth. Source: https://www.wakingtimes.com/2019/04/21/a-pagan-easter/…

Yellow Vests Return to Streets of Paris Enraged by Billions Donated to Rebuild Notre Dame

Julia Conley – The inequality and hypocrisy is more visible than ever. Source: https://www.wakingtimes.com/2019/04/20/yellow-vests-return-to-streets-of-paris-enraged-by-billions-donated-to-rebuild-notre-dame/…

A New Loch Ness Monster Video by the Grandson of a Previous Witness

Are you getting tired of and possibly irritated by all of those recent Loch Ness monster videos recorded by that guy in Ireland sitting in front of his TV watching the Loch Ness monster-cam? Well, here’s some good news. The latest video in what is turning into a record-breaking year for sightings was taken by… Read more » Source: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/04/a-new-loch-ness-monster-video-by-the-grandson-of-a-previous-witness/…