Starting Next Year, Chrome Extensions Will Show What Data They Collect from Users

Google said today it plans to add a new section on the Chrome Web Store where extension developers will disclose what user data they’re collecting from users and what they plan to do with the information. From a report: The new section is set to go into effect on January 18, 2021, and will appear as a “Privacy practices” button on…

Chrome 87 Released With Fix for NAT Slipstream Attacks, Broader FTP Deprecation

Google has released today version 87 of its Chrome browser, a release that comes with a security fix for the NAT Slipstream attack technique and a broader deprecation of the FTP protocol. From a report: Todays’ release is available for Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and iOS. Users can update to the new version via Chrome’s built-in update utility. While…

Google Sued After Mobile Allowances Eaten Up By Hidden Data Transfers

Slashdot reader Iwastheone shared this report from the Register: Google on Thursday was sued for allegedly stealing Android users’ cellular data allowances though unapproved, undisclosed transmissions to the web giant’s servers… The complaint contends that Google is using Android users’ limited cellular data allowances without permission to transmit information about those individuals that’s unrelated to their use of Google services… What…

Ask Slashdot: Did You Upgrade To macOS Big Sur?

Yesterday, Apple released the latest version of macOS: macOS Big Sur (also known as macOS 11.0) and the rollout was anything but smooth. Many users have complained about Apple services such as iMessage, or even Apple Pay, not working for them. Personally, my 5K iMac (2013), which isn’t even compatible with Big Sur, ground to a halt yesterday, as I was…

Simple Search Is a Browser Extension That Gives You Google Circa 2010

A group of journalists has built a browser extension, called Simple Search, to show you what Google search would look like without the information panels, shopping boxes, and search ads. The Verge reports: Introducing the extension, Maddy Varner and Sam Morris describe it as a conscious throwback to an earlier version of Google search, before the integration of the Knowledge Graph…

Chrome To Block Tab-Nabbing Attacks

Google will deploy a new security feature in Chrome next year to prevent tab-nabbing, a type of web attack that allows newly opened tabs to hijack the original tab from where they were opened. From a report: The new feature is scheduled to go live with Chrome 88, to be released in January 2021. While the term “tab-nabbing” refers to a…

Net Applications Will No Longer Track the Browser Wars

Emil Protalinski, reporting for VentureBeat: For more than a decade, I’ve used Net Applications’ NetMarketShare tool to track the desktop browser and operating system markets. The monthly reports have been critical in gauging which browsers and new versions of operating systems are gaining or losing market share. Last week, Net Applications released its final NetMarketShare report. The loss could not come…

Proctoring Software Company Used DMCA To Take Down a Student’s Critical Tweets

A series of tweets by one Miami University student that were critical of a proctoring software company have been hidden by Twitter after the company filed a copyright takedown notice. TechCrunch reports: Erik Johnson, a student who works as a security researcher on the side, posted a lengthy tweet thread in early September about Proctorio, an Arizona-based software company that several…

Chrome Will Soon Have Its Own Dedicated Certificate Root Store

Google has announced plans to run its own certificate root program/store for Chrome, in a major architectural shift for the company’s web browser program. From a report: A “root program” or a “root store” is a list of root certificates that operating systems and applications use to verify the identity of a software program during its installation routine. Browsers like Chrome…